Competency Assessment Task - Create Overview

Prior to creating a competency assessment task, the following tasks should be completed:

  1. Create Competencies - See Competency - Create/Edit.
  2. Create Competency Model - See Competency Models - Create/Edit.

To create a competency assessment task, go to Admin > Tools > Performance Management > Competency Assessment Tasks. Then, click the Add Task link.

Complete the following steps within the Competency Assessment Task:

ATS Competency Assessment Task

The process for creating an ATS competency assessment task follows a modified workflow. See ATS Competency Assessment Task - Create.

Review Based Competency Assessment Tasks

The process for creating a Review-based competency assessment task follows a modified workflow. See Review-Based Competency Assessment Task - Create.

SMP Based Competency Assessment Tasks

The process for creating an SMP-based competency assessment task follows a modified workflow. See SMP-Based Competency Assessment Task - Create.

Helpful Hints

Note: Navigating between pages by clicking the section title (e.g., General, Competency Model) does not preserve any unsaved changes. In order to preserve unsaved changes, administrators must click the Back and Next buttons. Lastly, the Save button must be clicked to save any unsaved changes.

Peer Group

  • If a peer group is added that allows subordinates, then the Subordinate and Indirect Subordinate assessor group cannot be added to the same task.
  • If either the Subordinate or Indirect Subordinate peer group is added, then the peer groups that allow subordinates cannot be added to the same task.

Indirect Manager

  • If Indirect Manager is added, indirect manager will be assigned the competency task as a separate assessor group on the competency assessment.
  • When a manager becomes inactive, the manager assessment will remain and not be assigned to the indirect manager for completion.