Associate a category with a skill

You can associate a custom category with a custom skill while importing skills in bulk using the template.

In this topic, we'll only focus on the steps to associate a category with skills with the help of an example. For complete steps to import skills, see Import skills in bulk using a template.

To associate a category with a skill:

  1. Click Add skills.
  2. Click Upload from template.
  3. Click Download template.

    Download template popup

  4. Select 'English' from the Select languages dropdown list.
  5. Select Label, External ID, Status, and Categories checkboxes.
  6. Select 2 from Category level. This indicates that the skills will be added to category level 2 in the category hierarchy.
  7. Click Confirm. The template is downloaded.
  8. Open the template in a spreadsheet editor and populate the columns. Here's a duly-filled sample spreadsheet based on the data fields you selected in the above steps.

    Duly-filled template for associating category with skills

    In this example, the columns indicate the following:
    • Label-en: Skill label in English language
    • Category ID (Level 1): ID for the level 1 category
    • Category Label (Level 1): Label for the level 1 category. In this case 'Science'.
    • Category ID (Level 2): ID for the level 2 category
    • Category Label (Level 2): Label for the level 2 category. In this case 'Biology'.
    • External ID: The external ID associated with a skill
    • Status: The status of the skill
  9. Click Browse or drag-and-drop the populated file to the browse area.
  10. Select a category type say 'Cat type' from the Category type dropdown list. This category type is associated as the top-level category for your category hierarchy.
  11. Click Upload Skills.
  12. To view the uploaded skills, click Libraries > Skills.
  13. Enable the Show categories toggle.
  14. Select 'Cat type' from the category type dropdown list in the left panel. The skills you imported are displayed under the 'Science > Biology' category you associated them with.

    Skills under the associated category