Snapshot - Goals

The Snapshot Goals page enables users, managers, and administrators to view a summary of the user's goals. Users can also create goals, view goal details, and update goal progress. Goals created in the Goal Planning section are visible in read only status. The availability of certain functionality is determined by the user's permissions.

In addition to your personal goals, you can access the following goals in the Universal Profile Snapshot Goals:

  • Goals you are given access to because you have Snapshot Goals - View and Snapshot Goals - Manage permissions.
  • Goals where the user is manager or approver, based on how the following preferences are set up:
    • Preference 1: Allow manager/approver to edit an employee’s goal
      • Goal owner’s manager/approver may access the goal even if they don’t have the appropriate permissions.
      • Who is the approver, based on the role selected in Preference 2.
    • Preference 2: Goal creation and cancellation approval is required from <role>

Administrator Note: A preference in Corporate Preferences determines whether the system applies the goal owner/assignee's Goal Preferences and Goal Configurations in Universal Profile Snapshot, Goals, and Goal Rating steps within performance reviews. Shared goals respect the goal owner's preferences and configurations.

To access the Snapshot Goals page, go to Home > Universal Profile. Click the Snapshot tab. Then, click the Goals widget.

Notes About Goal Permissions:

  • If the logged in user has “Snapshot Goals – Manage” permission on the target user’s goals, the logged in user can view and manage the goals even if the "Allow other users to see and align" option is checked.
  • If the logged in user has “Snapshot Goals – View” permission on the target user’s goals, and the “Allow other users to see and align” option is checked on the target User’s Goal attribute , the logged-in user can view the target User’s Goal in read only mode.
  • Logged-in users can manage their own goals from the Snapshot Goals page if they have “Snapshot Goals – Manage” or “Snapshot Goals – View” permission, regardless of constraints.
  • Managers can assign the Snapshot Goals - View permission to select subordinates when they are away from the office for an extended period.

Create Goal

Click the Create button. This option is only available if you have permission to create a goal. See Goals - Create/Edit.

View Team

The View Team flyout allows managers, approvers, and custom relationships to quickly navigate between subordinates' profiles and transcripts. When enabled, the View Team flyout is available to managers and dotted line managers on all pages of their Universal Profile and the Universal Profile of their subordinates. This flyout displays the manager's reports visually.

The View Team button displays if enabled in the portal. Administrators may enable or disable this flyout via the My Team Dropdown section within Universal Profile General Preferences. See Universal Profile General Preferences.

See Universal Profile - View Team Flyout.


The following options are available in the Options drop-down menu:

  • View Hierarchy - Select this option to view the goal hierarchy, which displays the relationship of your goals to the goals of others. This option is only available if the administrator has enabled users to view goal hierarchy in Goal Preferences. See View Goals - Hierarchy.
  • Download PDF - Select this option to export the goals on the page to a PDF document. This option is only available if there are goals available on the Snapshot Goals page.
  • View Reports - Select this option to view the goal reports dashboard. This option is only available if the user has permission to view dashboards as well as one of the following reports: Goal Status Report, Goal Target Report, Goal Tasks Summary Report. See Goals Report Dashboard.

Overall Goal Progress and Weight

The user's overall goal progress is displayed at the top of the page. This represents the user's total progress for all goals that are within the selected date range. The overall goal progress accounts for goal weights.

The Total Weight represents the cumulative weight of all individual goals that are within the selected date range.

Goals in Draft, Deleted, or Cancelled status are not included in goal progress and total weight.

Note: The Total Complete section is only displayed when Goal Progress is enabled by administrators. Total Weight is only displayed when Goal Weight is enabled by administrators.

If Goal Progress is disabled, but Goal Weight is enabled, then the Goal Weight is displayed without the progress gauge.

Search and Filter Goals

Use the search filters to determine which goals are displayed.

Select a specific time period, then, click the Search button to update the display. All goals within the selected time frame display. The following date filters are available:

  • Goal Period - From the drop-down menu, select a defined date range.
  • Date Range - Using the Calendar tools, select a specific start date and end date.

Use the status filters to determine which goals are displayed. The following status filters are available:

  • Display Cancelled - Display goals that are cancelled. By default, cancelled goals are not displayed.
  • Hide Completed - Hide goals that are completed. By default, all active goals are displayed, including Completed goals. You can hide Completed goals so that the page only displays goals that are still in progress. This allows you to view goal progress that is not completed.

Send Approval Request

Users can now request approval for their goals from the Snapshot Goals page. Previously, this was only available on the Goals main page.

The Send Approval Request button is available in the upper-right corner of the page if you have goals that are pending approval. Click this button to send an email to your goal approver if the Request Goal Approval email is enabled. Once the request is sent, the button text is updated to "Request Sent" until the page is refreshed.

If goal approval is not required or if a goal approver is not set, then goals are automatically approved when they are created, edited, or cancelled.

Goal Summary

To view the full details for a goal, either click the goal title or the Right arrow to the right of the goal.

To hide a goal's details, either click the goal title or the Down arrow .

Goals are listed in alphabetical order by title. The following information may be displayed for each goal:

  • Progress - Goal progress as a percentage. The color of the progress bar is determined by the goal status. Users may have the option to update goal progress using a progress slider. The goal progress is automatically saved as the progress slider is moved. The goal progress slider is only available if the following is true:
    • Administrators have enabled goal progress. If goal progress is not displayed, then users are not able to update goal progress.
    • Administrators prevented goal progress from exceeding 100%. If goal progress is allowed to exceed 100%, then goal progress is updated via a Progress field above the Description field.
    • The goal does not contain tasks or targets. If the goal contains tasks or targets, then goal progress is updated by updating the progress of the task or target.
    • The goal is not in Draft status.
  • Title - Name of the goal. If the goal is a shared goal, an asterisk appears before the title.
  • Status - Overall standing of the goal. This can be determined by goal, task, and target progress and can also factor in the amount of time remaining for completion. The status is also reflected in the progress color. For example, if a user has satisfied a goal, the status is Completed and the progress bar may be blue. The names, colors, and the criteria for each status can be modified by the system administrator.
  • Target Date - Date the goal is due.
  • Perspective - Which aspect of the company the goal relates.
  • Weight - Prioritizes goals and places additional value on certain goals.
  • Aligned To - Owner of the goal to which the direct report's goal is aligned. Only displays if the goal is aligned to another goal.
  • Owner - For shared goals, this displays the name of the goal owner.

Goals created in the Goal Planning section of a performance review are visible in read-only status.

  • Owner - For shared goals, this displays the name of the goal owner.

Note: Perspective, Weight, Status, and Progress can be disabled by the system administrator. If they are disabled, the fields will not appear. For all fields except the Weight field, the field name is configurable by the administrator. As a result, fields may be named differently in your portal. Further, some fields can be configured to not display.

Lock Goal Results

The ability to lock a goal is only available when viewing the Snapshot Goals page as a manager for a direct report or as an administrator.

Based on the configuration of the portal, a Lock icon may appear to the right of a direct report's goal. Managers can click this icon to lock or unlock the goal. The following statuses are available:

  • Locked - The goal is locked. Click this icon to unlock the goal. Users cannot update the goal progress or edit the goal. Managers may lock a goal at the end of the goal period or at the beginning of a review period. This prevents any miscommunication between the manager and employee. Note: This does not prevent users from advancing the goal.
  • Unlocked - The goal is unlocked. Click this icon to lock the goal. Users can update the goal progress and edit the goal.

Administrative Note: To disable the Lock Goal Results functionality, contact Global Customer Support.

Manage Goal

To update goal progress, add comments or attachments, or view goal details, click the goal title or click the right arrow to the right of the goal. A details drop-down opens. See Goals - Manage - Overview.

You are only able to manage goals for which you have Snapshot Goals - View and Snapshot Goals - Manage permissions. Clicking the title of a shared goal opens a read-only version of the goal. Note: Only users with permission to create company goals can update the progress of a company goal and add attachments to a company goal.

There is no limit to the number of comments that can be added to a goal.

Goal Actions

The following actions may be available from the Options drop-down menu to the right of the goal:

  • Edit - Select this option to edit the goal. This option is only available if enabled by the system administrator and the goal is not locked. See Goals - Create/Edit.
    • Shared goals cannot be edited by anyone other than the goal owner.
  • Copy - Select this option to copy the goal. All of the goal details are copied to the new goal except for the Assignment, Alignment, Attachments, and Comments. Also, the Start Date and End Date are set to the default values. This option is only available if you have permission to create goals and the goal is not expired. Also, this option is not available if goals are locked. See Goals - Create/Edit.
  • Cancel - Select this option to cancel the goal. A confirmation pop-up opens to confirm the cancellation. This option is only available if enabled by the system administrator. Also, this option is only available for unlocked, non-draft goals.
    • If cancellation approval is not required, then the goal's status becomes Canceled.
    • If cancellation approval is required, then the goal's status becomes Pending Cancellation Approval, and the Request Goal Approval email is triggered if it is enabled.
    • Shared goals cannot be canceled by anyone other than the goal owner.
  • Advance - Select this option for an expired goal to copy the details of the goal and set the Start Date and End Date to the next goal period. The goal progress is reset for the new goal. For example, if the expired goal had a start and end date of 01/01/15-12/31/15, once you advance the goal, the new start and end date will be 01/01/16-12/31/16 and the goal progress is set to zero. This action is intended to help save time creating goals for the new goal period if they are similar to the previous period. This option is only available if you have permission to create goals and the goal is expired. Note: This option is not available if goals are locked at the portal level in Corporate Preferences.
  • View History - View the history of the goal. The name of the user who updated the goal is included with the type of update and the date and time of the update. Also shows the modification history for goals created in a goal planning task. See View Goals - History.
  • Approve - Users with appropriate permissions can select this option to approve this goal. A confirmation pop-up appears.
  • Deny - Users with appropriate permissions can select this option to deny this goal. A confirmation pop-up appears.

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