Reporting 2.0 - Create Report

Reports are created by clicking the Create Report button on the Reporting homepage. This will open the Create Report page for Reporting 2.0.

Note: Users who belong to the LXP_Admin and LXP_Manager groups can only create reports by using the System Templates.

Click here to download the list of Reporting 2.0 report types and field descriptions, updated May 17, 2024. This Excel spreadsheet provides descriptions for the report types and fields in Reporting 2.0. This list is updated when there are changes to existing fields or new fields are added. Currently, the list is in English only. Note that it may be necessary to scroll through the sheets on the Excel spreadsheet in order to access the first sheet.

To access Reporting 2.0, go to Reports > Reporting 2.0.

Hide/Display Builder Tab Sections

You can hide or display any section in the Builder tab. To do this, click the Show/Hide Report Options icon in the upper-right corner of the Builder tab. Then, toggle on or off the Header, Filters, or Charts options in the Designer Options section.

Compensation Field Currency Conversion

The currency conversion option is available when using Compensation fields so that you can convert the currency. The option only displays when a Compensation field is added to the report. Fields from the following sections will enable the option to display:

  • Compensation
  • Compensation Task
  • Compensation Task Approval
  • Current Compensation

Share Report

For information about the share report option, which is available by clicking the icon in the upper-right corner of the Builder tab, see the Share Report topic in Online Help.

Report Delivery and Scheduling

For information about the report delivery and scheduling options, which are available by clicking the icon in the upper-right corner of the Builder tab, see the Report Delivery and Scheduling topic in Online Help.

Data Panel

The Data panel lists the report fields that are available to you based on your permissions. The fields are grouped into sections and are sorted alphabetically. The only groups that display are the groups for which you have permission to view. The fields that are available within each group are the fields for which you have permission to view.


  • If a feature/field has not been used and no data has ever been generated the field cannot be included in the report. Fields that have no data generated will not appear in the data panel.
  • If a new custom field has been created and added to the report before the data warehouse has updated, report creators may see a message "Server Responded with failed to render report." In this situation, save the report and refresh and preview at a later time. The data warehouse normally refreshes every 15 minutes.

Builder Tab

The Builder tab is where the report is built. Fields are added to this section, as well as filters and the report name.

The following sections display:

Report Properties

Table Properties

The following options may be available in the Table Properties:

  • Only Show Summary Rows
  • Merge Summary Rows - When the toggle is enabled, the output file will merge the matching rows in summarized columns. This is the default setting. When the toggle is disabled, summarized columns are populated in each row separately. The toggle is only be accessible if at least one column summary has been added.
  • Show Grand Summary
  • Show Summarized Hierarchy Output - When this toggle is enabled, hierarchy summary shows all the levels of hierarchy in one column. This is the default setting. When this toggle is disabled, hierarchy summary shows the levels of hierarchy in individual columns. Note: The toggle impacts only the Microsoft Excel output format.

Reports can be sorted and summarized using the options in the Column sorting and Column summary sections. See the following for information on how to sort and summarize:

  • Column Sorting - The sort feature lets you define the sort order of the fields you selected for the report. By sorting the report fields, you can define which column displays first, and so forth, in the report output. See Reporting 2.0 - Sort Report.
  • Column Summary - The summarize feature lets you summarize the data in the report based on certain fields. See Reporting 2.0 - Summarize Report.

My Reports Folder Option

Pre-Step Note: You must have at least one folder created on the homepage in order to add the report to a specific folder other than adding it to the My Reports area. Folders cannot be created from within the Report Builder.

The My Reports option at the bottom of the Report Builder lets you determine the folder you want the report to be stored in when creating or editing a report. Folders let you organize and manage the distribution of your reports, and you can share the folders with others. Also, you can group reports together based on your own criteria or themes, enabling you to easily find the reports you need.

To add the report to a folder, click the My Reports drop-down. Select the desired folder from the drop-down, then click Save when you are ready to save the report.

After the report has been saved, it will save to the selected folder and remain in the folder for as long as you own the folder. If the folder is one that has been shared with you, the system will save the report to My Reports by default.

Preview Tab

Clicking the Preview tab for the first time will refresh your report and provide you with a preview of the report you have built. If you make additional changes after previewing, you will need to click the Refresh button.

Preview data shows 1,000 rows of data, which will be randomly selected. Any filters you have hidden in Properties will remain hidden in the preview, as well as any restrictions made.

Note: A different number of records may be seen when viewing the report data in Edit - Preview, View, and Excel and Download modes. This occurs because the different ways of viewing the data use a different top number of records.

  • Preview uses the top 1000 records
  • View uses the top 2000 records
  • Download (view cloud icon, schedule for now) uses the top 200,000 records

Reference article:

Save and Close Report

At the bottom of the page is the Save and Close bar. The bar is responsive, meaning that as you adjust the size of your browser window or scroll up and down the page, the Save and Close buttons are always visible. Click Save or Close to save your report. When Close is selected, you are brought back to the report landing page.

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