Reporting 2.0 - Summarize Report

The summarize feature lets you summarize the data in the report based on certain fields. For example, you may want to summarize a report to make the data easier to read, or you may prefer to have information summarized so that it appears in groups of data rather than as a list of data.

This feature is similar to the summarizing feature that is available from the Summary tab when configuring Custom Reports.

To access Reporting 2.0, go to Reports > Reporting 2.0.

Add Fields to Summarize

You can summarize the report by up to five levels. To add fields to summarize the report:

  1. Click the Show Table Properties icon in the upper-right corner of the Table Columns section. This opens the Table Properties panel.
  2. Click and drag a field from the Table Columns section to the Column summary section on the Table Properties panel. Or, click Click to add a column to summarize to search for and select a field.
    • You can summarize the report by fields that are not in the report by selecting a field from the Click to add a column to summarize option on the Table Properties panel, then delete the field from the Table Columns section on the Builder panel. Note: By default, summarizing by a field adds the field to the report twice: once as summarized column and once with the raw data. You can remove the raw data column from the report if you do not want the field included in the output twice.
    • A field can only appear once in the summary.
    • A field in the Column sorting section cannot be used to summarize the report.
  3. Keep the summarized data in ascending order, or click the arrow to the left of Ascending Order to switch to descending order.
    • Date Field Types - When summarizing by date fields, a drop-down is available in the Column Summary section to let you pick the type of order, including Day, Week, Month, Calendar Quarter, and Calendar Year.
  4. Check or uncheck the option to View as hierarchy. This option lets you report on a user or OU hierarchy and will automatically display your report data in a hierarchical manner. Note: This option is only available when you summarize by an OU or OU ID field (includes standard and custom OUs).
  5. Check or uncheck Include percentage summary to display percentages relative to the parent level in the hierarchy or summary. This option is unchecked by default.
  6. The percentages are flexible in that they are configurable at different levels of the report. For example, if Division A has a transcript status of Completed, then the percentages are calculated based on the total number at the Division level. If Division A has 500 people and 50 of them have a training item in a Completed status, then the hierarchical percentages are calculated out of 500 people (10%).

  7. Show Summarized Hierarchy Output - When this toggle is enabled, hierarchy summary shows all the levels of hierarchy in one column. This is the default setting. When this toggle is disabled, hierarchy summary shows the levels of hierarchy in individual columns. This toggle is only available when "View as Hierarchy" has been selected. The toggle impacts only the Microsoft Excel output format.

Only Show Summary Rows

When the Only Show Summary Rows option is toggled on, the report output will only show summarized and aggregated fields, and it will not include the rows for the underlying data in the report.

Show Grand Summary

When the Show Grand Summary option is toggled on, the report displays the grand summary for a summarized report.

Remove Summary Fields

You can remove fields from the "Column summary" section by clicking the X to the right of the field name.

Preview Summarized Report

When viewing a summarized report, the summarized data groups display in the first column on the Preview tab. The data can be viewed by expanding each section in the summarized column.

If you selected to include the percentage summary, this information appears as the last column in the report.

Export Hierarchically Summarized Report to Excel

When you have summarized your report and selected the View as hierarchy option, your output in excel will look slightly different. The report data will show in a table format with row grouping on the left-hand side.

You can use the grouping to collapse and expand your data. The cells are merged to create an easier view. This allows the hierarchical summaries to be grouped with less text.

If you would like to use filters to see only the rows belonging to a specific criteria, then it is recommended that you filter by that specific value in the data column and use the grouping on the left-hand side to expand/collapse all rows belonging to that value.

Charts in Summarized Reports

When using charts in summarized reports, the fields used in the summary no longer link automatically to the chart. This provides more flexibility in how you create and organize your charts, while still having the ability to determine separately how you want your table data to be summarized.