Competency Assessment Task - Administration Overview

The Competency Assessment Task feature allows administrators to create a task to direct your users, managers and peers to assess individuals on competencies.

Administrators must complete the following pages for a Competency Assessment Task:

To access Competency Task Administration, go to Admin > Tools > Performance Management > Competency Assessment Tasks.

Add Task

To create a new competency assessment task, click the Add Task link. See Competency Assessment Task - Create Overview.

Search Features

Search for an existing competency task using the Name and Type search filters. To include completed or expired tasks in the search results, select the Show completed/expired option.

Competency Task Table

The following information is available for each existing competency task:

  • Name - The name of the competency task.
  • Description - A description of the competency task.
  • Created By - The name of the administrator who created the competency task.
  • Task Period - For SMP-based competency tasks, "SMP-Based Competency Task" is displayed. For performance review-based competency tasks, "Performance Review-Based Competency Task" is displayed.
  • Status - The current status of the competency task. For SMP-based competency tasks and performance review-based competency tasks, "N/A" is displayed.
  • Active - Select this option to make the task active. If a task is made inactive, current or expired tasks are not affected. Inactive tasks cannot be included in reports.
  • Dynamically Assigned - If this option is selected, any new users that match the availability defined for the task are assigned the task. If this is not selected, only the users that match the availability at the time of task creation are assigned the task. This option is not available for SMP-based competency tasks and performance review-based competency tasks because any dynamic assignment is done in the SMP or performance review task.
  • Options - The following options are available for the selected competency task:
    • Copy - Copy the selected task. This option copies all of the information from the original task to a new task and opens the General page for the copied task. It is recommended that you change the name of the copied task to avoid confusion.
    • Edit - Edit the task. This option is only available if the task is in a status of Not Started.
    • View Settings - Opens to the General, Competency Model, and Confirm settings pages for the selected competency assessment task.
    • Add Users - Add a user to the assessment task or remove a user from the task.
    • View Details - View the task details. This option is only available if the task is assigned to a user. See Competency Assessment Task - View Details.
    • Delete - Remove the task. This option is only available if the task is in a status of Not Started. SMP tasks can be deleted until they are used within an SMP task.