Competency Assessment Task - View Details

  1. Go to Admin > Tools > Performance Management > Competency Assessment Tasks.
  2. Click the Competency Assessment Task Administration link.
  3. Click View Details icon in the Options column.

Reset Completed Competency Tasks

The following page contains a guide for resetting completed competency tasks:

Assessee View

View the following information on this page when in Assessee view:

  • Assessee - name of employee being assessed
  • Assessors - listed based on task set up
  • Assessee'sTaskStatus - this covers the assessee's overall task status based on all the responses received from all assessors
  • Options
    • Remove - Click this icon to remove the assessee from the assessment.

Assessment View

View the following information on this page when in Assessment view:

  • Assessor - name of employee approved to perform assessment
  • Assessee - name of employee being assessed
  • Relationship - defines type of assessor selected for task. For example, Self, Manager, etc.
  • Assessment Status - includes Not Started, In Progress, Complete
  • Options
    • Reset Assessment - Click this icon (the hammer icon) to reset the task, which reopens the task and allows the assessor to modify their responses. This option is available once the assessment is Complete.