Career Site - Job Details

The Job Details page is used to display the full job ad for a position. On the Job Details page, users see the exact job ad that was created as part of the requisition. The left frame of the page contains a static set of tools that are available to the user at all times when viewing a job ad. This set of tools allows the users to:

  • Apply for the selected job (with or without LinkedIn).
  • Email the selected job opening to a friend.
  • Add the selected job opening to their list of saved jobs.

The page is organized into four sections:


The header appears on every Career Site page for job seekers. The appearance of the page header is configured using the Custom Page Builder. See Create Career Site - Settings for additional information.

Log-in/Profile Bar

The Log-in/Profile Bar appears on every Career Site page for job seekers. The available options depend on whether the user is logged in to the system. See Career Site - Log-in and Profile Bar for additional information.

Toolset Sidebar

The toolset sidebar is where the user has the ability to take action on a selected job opening.

The following options are available:

Note about Applying with LinkedIn: For portals that have Apply with LinkedIn (With Apply Starters) enabled, applicants can apply to the job using LinkedIn once they are in the application workflow. See Application - Apply with LinkedIn.

Related Jobs

If the job requisition is configured to have a parent-child hierarchical relationship, then a Related Jobs section displays in the left panel of the job details page. This section lists all job requisitions that are child requisitions of the parent. Applicants can view the job details for the child requisitions by selecting the job requisition name.

The child requisitions display in descending order of requisition ID. In order for the child requisition to display, the child requisition must be open and not expired.

If there are no child requisitions available, then the Related Jobs section displays "No related jobs."

Applicants Not Allowed to Apply to Parent Job Requisition

If the parent job requisition is configured by the recruiter not to allow applicants to apply to the parent, then applicants can only apply to the child requisitions that are associated with the parent. Applicants can use the Related Jobs list to find and apply to one or more related requisitions. An option to apply to the parent requisition will not be available.

Job Ad Display

The job ad displays exactly as it is configured on the External Site tab of the Job Ad step when creating the job requisition. See Create Job Requisition - Job Ad for additional information.