Dynamic Recurring Learning Assignment - Create

The dynamic recurring learning assignment type allows you to choose one or more learning objects (LOs) and select the users who will be assigned the training on their transcript repeatedly, at a frequency you specify. Dynamic learning assignments process every day and allow you to assign training on an ongoing basis to users who meet specific criteria, and enabling recurrence allows the training to be reassigned to users more than once. For example, you can create a dynamic recurring learning assignment which reassigns compliance training to all employees on an annual basis.

To create a new dynamic recurring learning assignment, go to Admin > Tools > Learning and click the Learning Assignment Tool link. Then, click the Create Assignment button.


The first step for creating a dynamic recurring learning assignment is providing some basic information about the assignment and selecting the training that will be assigned. In this example, an administrator is assigning newly hired employees a course called "Data Privacy Training."

  1. Enter a descriptive title for the dynamic learning assignment. In this example, the assignment title will be "Annual Compliance Training."
  2. Enter a description for the assignment which will help other administrators understand the purpose of the assignment.
  3. Click the Select Training button to add training to the assignment.
  4. In the flyout, search for and select the course, and then click the Select button at the bottom of the flyout. The training is added to the assignment.
  5. Click the Next button to advance to the Options step of the learning assignment creation process.

For more details about all the options available on the Setup page, See Create Learning Assignment - Setup.


  1. On the Options step, select the assignment type and configure the assignment workflow and email options. For a dynamic assignment:
  2. Select the Dynamic option. This causes the assignment to process every day and assign training to any new users who meet the availability criteria set for the assignment. Additional options become available when Dynamic is selected. The option to make the dynamic assignment recurring is located later in the process.
  3. Decide whether or not to enable Dynamic Removal. If enabled, users will be automatically removed from the assignment when they no longer meet the user criteria. For this example, Dynamic Removal will not be enabled.
  4. Decide what status the training will display in on the user's transcript after it is assigned. Be aware that availability settings for the learning object itself may also affect the transcript status following assignment. For example, if the LO availability is configured as pre-approved with register upon approval, the user’s transcript status will be Registered upon assignment, even if one of the first two below options is selected in the learning assignment. Available options include:
    • Assigned Only - This option places the learning objects onto the user's transcript, but will still require the dynamic approvals. Once approved, the user must still click the Register link on their transcript.
    • Assigned and Approved - This option places the learning objects in an Approved status on the user's transcript, bypassing the normal approval process. The user must still click the Register link on their Transcript.
    • Assigned, Approved, and Registered - This option assigns, approves, and registers users directly into the training. This bypasses both the approval and registration process as long as the user is not required to pay for the training. The user is only required to launch or complete the training.
      • Bypass User Payment - If the Bypass User Payment option is selected and the training has a cost that is payable by the user, the enrolled users no longer go to the payment page and are automatically enrolled in training item. This option is only available if the Assigned, Approved, and Registered option is selected above.
        • If the user has already paid for a previous version of the training, the user will not pay for the newly assigned version.

        • If Assign New Occurrence is enabled, it does not override the registration workflow for previous versions of the same training; it only applies to the current version of the training. If a user already paid for training and is assigned the same version of that training with this setting, they will need to pay for the training again if Bypass User Payment is not checked.

  5. Select email options for the learning assignment. You can choose to use the default training-specific email templates configured in the Course Catalog, create a custom set of emails for the assignment, send a one-time email, or use no emails at all.
  6. Once all options have been configured for the dynamic learning assignment, click the Next button to advance to the Schedule step.

For more details about all the options available on the Options page,See Create Learning Assignment - Options.


On the Schedule page, determine when the dynamic learning assignment will process, and when training will be due for users who are assigned the training. For dynamic assignments:

  1. Select a Processing Frequency. Dynamic assignments can either process daily or annually. In this example, the assignment will process daily. Any employees that have been newly added to the selected OU or group before the daily processing time will be processed and receive the compliance training.
  2. Select a Processing Start Date. You can decide whether the dynamic assignment will process immediately upon submission, on a relative date, or on a specific date. This assignment is set to process immediately.
  3. Specify a Training Due Date, if applicable. For dynamic assignments which process daily, it is recommended to either select no due date or configure a relative date. The Annual Date option is usually only applicable to dynamic assignments which process annually.
  4. To create a dynamic recurring assignment, toggle the Recurrence switch to the On position. Additional recurrence settings become available.
  5. Determine when the training will recur. The training can either recur on a relative date or annually. In this example, the training will recur annually on May 12. Regardless of when employees received their first instance of training (which is set to be assigned as soon as users are added to the system), they will need to retake the training each year on May 12.
  6. Determine when, if ever, the recurrence rule will end. The recurrence rule can be set to never end, to end after a certain date, or to end after a certain number of recurrence cycles. Note: Recurrence is based on the most recent assignment date.
  7. Click the Next button at the bottom of the page to advance to the Users step.

For more details about all the options available on the Schedule page, See Create Learning Assignment - Schedule.


On the Users step, determine who will receive the training.

  1. To add users to the assignment, you can select user criteria (such as a division, location, etc.), you can add all system users to the assignment, or you can upload a .csv file of usernames or user IDs. For dynamic assignments, it is recommended that you choose dynamic criteria (such as a division, location, group, etc). Selecting specific users by name is not recommended for dynamic assignments. In this example, the availability is set to All Users.
  2. Decide whether or not to enable the Assign New Occurrence feature. Switching the Enable Assign New Occurrence toggle to the On position will include users who meet the defined user criteria and already have the training selected for the assignment on their transcript. When enabled, users who have already completed the training will receive a new occurrence of the training and need to take it again. For this example, the Assign New Occurrence is enabled, because the administrator recently updated the compliance training and wants all users to receive a new instance of the course. The administrator also opts to override all prior due dates.
  3. Click the Generate Initial User List button to view a list of users who will be assigned the training, based on your user criteria selections. Using the check boxes in each user's tile, you can opt to not include certain users or certain training items for users if needed.
  4. After configuring the correct user criteria, click the Next button at the bottom of the page to advance to the Confirm step.

For more details about all the options available on the Users page, See Create Learning Assignment - Users.


On the Confirm page, review your learning assignment selections by expanding the tiles for each section of the process. You can return to previous pages by clicking the name of a section in the navigation panel on the left side of the page.

After reviewing all your learning assignment configurations and ensuring all selections are correct, you can click the Submit button to submit the new learning assignment. The learning assignment will process and assign training according to your scheduling selections. Note: Once submitted, the learning assignment cannot be stopped or reversed. It is only possible to stop a dynamic learning assignment from continuing to process in the future.

For more details about all the options available on the Confirm page,See Create Learning Assignment - Confirm.