Training Details Page - Certification

From the Training Details Page for certifications, users can view and launch the training associated with the certification, view the certification history, and print any past certificates.

To view the Training Details Page for a certification, navigate to the Transcript and click the Certifications tab on the left navigation. Then, click the title of a certification. Note: This is not available if certifications are not enabled for the portal.

Certification Details

In the Details section, view the details of the certification. Note: For portals with multiple languages enabled, the Current Period field displays in the language of the user viewing the Training Details page. If the user's language is not available, the field displays in the default language of the certification. The name and localization of this field is managed on the Scheduling step when creating, editing, or copying a certification. The value in the Certification Period Title field on the Configure Training Period pop-up displays in the Current Period on the Training Details page.

In the Certification section, the training associated with the certification is displayed. You can select the appropriate View option to view All Training, Activated Training, or Not Activated Training. By default, All Training is selected. Note: For certifications that are configured not to override the availability settings defined in Course Catalog for a LO, the only LOs that are visible to the user are the LOs for which the user meets the availability criteria defined in Course Catalog for the LO. See Certification - Create - Step 1 - General.

Parent and child sections can be expanded or collapsed by using the Expand and Collapse icons to the left of the section title. By default, the parent section is expanded and the child section is collapsed.

For each training item, the following information displays:

  • Title - The section of the certification displays, as well as the number of required and acquired credits. Each time a learning object within then section achieves a status of Completed, the number of credits acquired accumulates for both the parent and child sections. If a learning object has zero credits, the number of acquired credits does not change.
    • The point at which credits accumulate in the parent section is dependent on the certification's configuration in Certification Administration. If the certification is configured to require users to complete the minimum number of credits for all child sections before the credits are counted toward the parent section, then credits only begin to accumulate in the parent section once the child sections have accumulated the minimum number of required credits.
    • Below the section, the title of the training item displays. Click the arrow to the left of the training title to view a description of the training item.
  • Type - The training item type (e.g., online class, test, section, external training)
  • Credits - The number of credits towards the certification that is granted for completing the training item. For portals with multiple languages enabled, the name of the Credits column appears in the language of the user viewing the Training Details page. If the user's language is not available, the column displays in the default language of the certification.Note: The name and localization of this column is managed on the General step when creating, editing, or copying a certification. The value in the Change tracking unit from credit to field displays as the column name on the Training Details page.
  • Status - The current status of the training item. For users who are enrolled as certified, this is set to Not Activated.

If a user is in the Certified status for a certification, the system displays the due date and expiration date for the next certification period, if available.

You can manage the training items by selecting the appropriate option from the Options column. See Certification Item - Launch. For administrators, if an observation checklist is added to a certification, you can validate the checklist by clicking the Validate Checklist link in the Options column. This opens the checklist and allows you to validate the items. If the checklist is part of a curriculum that is inside the certification, then click the Manage link in the Options column. This opens either the Curriculum Details page or the Curriculum Player, depending on how the administrator configured the curriculum.

Note: Administrators can also access the Validate Checklist link from the Training Details page of the checklist. Additionally, managers can validate a checklist if the checklist is configured by the administrator to allow managers to validate. Managers can access the checklist from either the Certification Details page or the Training Details page, but the link that appears is View Checklist instead of Validate Checklist.

To view the training details for an active training item, click the View Details icon in the Details column. This option is only available once the user is approved for the training item. Note: If the training was removed by an administrator, the user will receive a "Restricted Area" message, as removed training is inaccessible to end users.

To add external training to the certification, click the Add External Training link in the Details section. See External Training - Add to Certification from Details Page.

To add an external training item to the certification that already exists on your transcript, click the Add External Training from Transcript link in the Details section. See External Training - Add to Certification from Transcript.

Fields for Certifications in Certified Status

The following fields apply to certifications in a Certified status only. These fields do NOT apply to certifications in any other status, including the Certified (Renewal in Progress) status.

  • The Current Period field displays the title of the certification period, along with the date the user completed the period requirements (dates will be shown in UTC time zone).
  • The Next Period field displays the title of the next certification period, along with the date the next period will begin (dates will be shown in UTC time zone).
  • The Next Version field displays the certification version number the user will receive during the next certification period.
  • The Expiration Date field has been updated to Next Period Expiration Date, which indicates when the user's next certification period will expire (dates will be shown in UTC time zone).
  • The Due Date field has been updated to Next Period Due Date, which displays the due date for the user's next certification period (dates will be shown in UTC time zone).


The History section displays all of the past certification periods for the certification, if applicable. For each period, the following information displays:

  • Period - The certification period number.
  • Credits Required - The number of credits required for the period.
  • Credits Acquired - The number of credits that were earned for the period.
  • Carry Over - If carry over is allowed, this displays the number of credits that were carried over to the next period.
  • Completion Date - The date the period was completed. For ILT sessions, the session completion date is used, rather than the roster upload date.
  • Expiration - The date the certification period was completed. For Past Periods, the Expiration column will display the previous Period Completion Date.

Print Certificate

To print a past certificate, in the History section, click the Print Certificate link next to the appropriate certification. This option is only available if enabled by the administrator. See Historical Certifications - Print.

Certification Requirements

If the certification you are viewing is also within another certification, a Certifications Requirement section displays the requirements for that certification.

Approval History

The certification approval history is displayed in the Approval History section. This includes all approvals related to the certification. If a user is enrolled as certified, this is displayed in this section. If comments were included when the certification was approved or denied, an indication is made here, as well as stating the type of request for which comments were provided (i.e., Initial, Completion, Exception, or Renewal request).

Modification History

For certifications with external training added, a Modification History section is available at the bottom of the Certification Training Details page. This section tracks all updates that are made to the certification.

  • If a training section or credits are updated, this is logged.
  • If a field is updated, the specific field is logged, including the updated value.
  • If multiple fields are updated, a line item is added for each change.

Approval or denial of external training towards the certification continues to be tracked in the Approval History section.


To revoke a certification, click the Revoke button. When a user's certification is revoked, the Certification Transcript page reflects the Revoked status in the Status column. In addition, certifications in a Revoked status do not proceed to renewal periods if renewal periods are associated with the certification.

If the user would like to become re-certified, they must re-request the certification or it must be reassigned. Note: The user must be removed from the certification by the certification owner before they can re-request the certification. When re-requested, the Approval History section displays the approval history data of all previous instances of the certification in the user's transcript, regardless of the number of times the certification has been revoked. Progress from the previous certification carries over to the new instance of the certification request/assignment if the learning objects are still valid. Further, the History section does not display for new instances of a certification that was in a Revoked status.

Note: The option to print certificates is not available for certification periods that are in a Revoked status.

Place On Hold

From the Certification Details page, you can place a certification on hold by clicking the Place On Hold button. After clicking the Place On Hold button, a Certification On Hold pop-up window appears. In the pop-up, you can provide a comment explaining why the certification is being placed on hold in the Comments box. After entering a comment, click the Submit button to place the certification on hold. Note: Certifications in any transcript status can be placed on hold.

When the user views the certification on their transcript, the status for the displays with "(On Hold)" following the status the certification was in prior to being placed on hold. For example, if the certification was in a Certified status prior to being placed on hold, when the certification has been placed on hold, the status reads, "Certified (On Hold)."

The "(On Hold)" addendum appears in any system location where the certification status may display, including:

  • Transcript
  • Certification Details
  • Action steps
  • Cohort
  • Manage Employee Learning
  • Certification Management
  • Certification Approval page

Reinstate Certification

To reinstate a certification that is on hold, click the Reinstate button on the Certification Details page. A Reinstate Certification pop-up window appears. Enter a comment explaining the reinstatement in the Comments field, and click the Submit button.

The certification returns to its previous transcript status on the user's transcript page, and the reinstatement appears in the Approval History section of the Certification Details page along with the name of the user who reinstated the certification, the time stamp of the reinstatement, and any comments provided during the reinstatement process.

Progress Report

To view the progress report for the certification, click the Progress Report link in the upper-right corner of the page. You can then select the period from the drop-down list and print the report by clicking the Print icon. From the Progress Report, administrators with the appropriate permission can update the user's number of acquired credits. Note: Acquired credits can still be updated when the transcript lockdown feature is enabled. See the Transcript Lockdown section below for additional information.

The following information displays for the report:

  • Title - The certification title displays at the top of the report.
  • Certification Period - This field displays the certification period. By default, the report shows the progress for the period the user is currently in.
  • Options - The Options drop-down displays the option to print the report. Click the Print link to print the report.
  • Period - This displays the certification period.
  • Due - This displays when the certification is due.
    • Relative Due Date - For certifications with a relative due date defined, the Due field displays the time frame from the start date (i.e., "2 days from start date," or "1 year from start date").
    • Fixed Due Date - For certifications with a fixed due date defined, the Due field displays the actual date.
  • Duration - This displays for renewal periods and shows the duration of the renewal period.
  • Required Credits - This displays the number of credits required to be completed in order to complete the certification.
  • Expand/Collapse - An Expand/Collapse option displays in the upper-right corner of the period. Click the icons to view or close the information in the period. By default, all certification periods are expanded.
  • Requirements - This column displays the sections for the certification and lists the LOs defined for each section.
    • If the certification is configured to override the Course Catalog LO availability settings, then all LOs display for the user regardless of whether or not the user meets the availability criteria for the LOs.
    • If the certification is not configured to override the Course Catalog LO availability settings, then the only LOs that display are the LOs for which the user meets the availability criteria.
  • LO Type - An icon displays to the left of each LO to indicate the LO type for the training item. Hover over the icon to view the name of the LO type.
  • Earned - This column displays information about the credits earned for the certification. If the certification is configured not to override LO availability, then the number of credits is dependent upon the availability of the LOs in the certification.
    • Min/Max - This displays the minimum and maximum number of credits to be completed for a section.
    • Number of Credits - The number of credits defined for a LO displays in the Credits column for each LO.

Modify Period Expiration Date

Only certification owners have the ability to adjust the end date or expiration date for the current certification period. For certification owners, an Edit icon appears to the right of the Expiration Date field. Modifying the expiration date for the period affects the renewal periods in the following manner:

  • Fixed Date
    • Only the current period is affected. All future periods retain their expiration date.
    • The updated expiration date must occur prior to the due date of the subsequent period.
  • Relative Date and Relative Date with Rolling Renewal
    • If the expiration date for a period is changed, the expiration date and past due date for all future periods are updated based on the change. For example, if the expiration date is pushed back by three months, the expiration date and past due date for all subsequent periods is also pushed back by three months.
    • There is no maximum adjustment for the expiration date.
    • The Past Due date for the current period is not affected.

Transcript Lockdown

If the transcript lockdown functionality is enabled for the portal, then the data that is related to a learning object (LO) on the Certification Transcript Details page and the Progress Report is locked once the LO is completed. Once the LO is completed, the data on the Transcript Details page will not change for the LO. This applies even if the LO is moved to the Archived or Removed tabs of the transcript. This functionality applies to all LO types.

Note: The lockdown functionality does not include custom fields. Custom fields are not locked upon course completion.


  • If the Transcript Lockdown functionality is disabled and was not enabled at the time the user completed the LO, then the Transcript Details page and Progress Report display the LO information based on the current values in the Course Catalog.
  • If the Transcript Lockdown functionality is enabled or was enabled at the time the user completed the LO, then the Transcript Details page and Progress Report always displays the LO information from the time the user completed the LO.
  • If the Transcript Lockdown functionality was disabled at the time the user completed the LO and was enabled after the user completed the LO, then the Transcript Details page and Progress Report displays the LO information from the time the Transcript Lockdown functionality is enabled.

Certification Certification Certification Certification Certification Certification Certification Certification Certification