Security Role - Create - Step 1 - General

Security Roles and Permissions allow system administrators to create a standard grouping of permissions that can be assigned to users, and these roles determine what individual users can access and do within the system. Security roles are important because they enable an organization to grant certain people access to certain data and also restrict access to certain data.

Managing Security Roles   Additional Information   Training and Troubleshooting Resources
  • Security Roles Feature Focus Playlist - In this playlist, you’ll find curated content specifically for security roles. Note: You must log in to the Success Center to access Playlists.
  • Knowledge Base - Review security role quick help and troubleshooting articles.

On the General page, administrators define the general characteristics about the role.

To create a security role, go to Admin > Tools > Core Functions > Security Role Administration. Then, click the Create New Role link.

Enter the following fields:

  • Name - The name of your role. This is required.
  • ID - Enter a unique security role ID. The field accepts alphanumeric characters and the character limit is 100. This is required. If an ID is not provided, the system automatically generates a value. Note: Because this value must be unique, when a role is copied, the system generates a new, unique value for this field.
  • Category - From the drop-down list, select a category for the role. Categories must be defined prior to creating a security role. See Add Security Role Categories.
  • Parent - Click the Select icon to search for and select a parent role for the new security role. The Parent role determines the role hierarchy and also determines the permissions that are available for this role. Only permissions available in the parent role can be selected for use in the child role. Any existing security role can be selected.
  • Description - Enter a description for the role, which explains the role's purpose. This is required and the character limit is 500.
  • Active - Select this option to make the role active. Deselect this option to make the role inactive.

Click Next to continue to the Permissions section. See Security Role - Create - Step 2 - Permissions.

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