Create Onboarding Workflow

The Create Onboarding Workflow page allows administrators to create onboarding workflows. The workflows can be created for new hires who are just entering the organization, or they can be created for internal employees who are starting a different role. The workflows help employees acclimate to the company and their position. They can also include forms created from the Form Management functionality. Such forms may be needed for Human Resources, IT Security, or other departments that are part of the employee onboarding process.

To access the Create Onboarding Workflow page, click the Create Onboarding button on the Onboarding Workflows page.

General Information

Complete the following fields in this section:

  • Title - Enter a title for the workflow, up to 100 characters. This is a required field.
  • Active - Define the active status for the workflow. Workflows are active by default. Uncheck the box to inactivate the workflow.


In the Availability section, administrators are required to define the organizational units (OUs) and/or users who will complete the workflow. If the workflow is defined in the Onboarding Information section as an internal-to-internal workflow, then employees who are moving from one role in the organization to another role will go through the workflow when onboarding. If the workflow is defined in the Onboarding Information section as an external-to-internal workflow, then external candidates who have been hired will go through the workflow.

To define the availability, select one or more OUs and/or users from the Select OU Criteria drop-down. The Include Subordinates box is checked by default. Unchecking the option does not include subordinate OUs or users.

Onboarding Information

In the Onboarding Information section, define the type of workflow. The following options are available:

  • New Employee - Prior to migration, this option was named "External-to-internal" and allowed administrators to select temporary OUs for external candidates who were hired from outside the organization and are being onboarded to an internal position. After migration, selecting this option will create an onboarding workflow for external-to-internal onboarding.
  • Current Employee - Prior to migration, this option was named "Internal-to-internal" and allowed administrators to select temporary OUs for users who were onboarding from one internal position to another. After migration, selecting this option will create an onboarding workflow for internal-to-internal onboarding.

Note: Preboarding OUs are configured on the Create Preboarding Organizational Unit Configuration page.


In the Acculturation section, select the navigation tab that will be available for the onboarding workflow. In order to add a navigation tab, at least one navigation tab has to be created already in Navigation Tabs and Links Extensions. This section is not required.

To select the tab, click the drop-down and select from one of the available tabs.

Note: The purpose of creating navigation tabs and links extensions for Onboarding is to provide onboarding employees with a dedicated space in your portal where the new employees can have quick access to important onboarding information and actions. For example, you can include a custom Welcome page, as well as links to key system pages, such as Universal Profile and Browse for Training. You can also include a link directly to the new employee's transcript, depending on the products that have been enabled in your portal.

Task Assignments

In the Task Assignments section, administrators can add tasks that will b e assigned to the employees on the date the onboarding workflow starts. Both form and integration tasks can be added.

Save/Cancel Workflow

Click Save to save the workflow. Note: If a task has not been saved to the workflow, the workflow cannot be saved.

Click Cancel to cancel creating, editing, or copying the workflow.