Bio - Onboarding

Visibility Note: The Onboarding tab only displays if a user is currently or has previously been through onboarding.

The Onboarding tab displays an applicant's onboarding workflows. Workflows are launched by the recruiter from the Applicant Profile page, and the applicant and recruiter can then view the workflows from Universal Profile. The tab displays all workflows that have been launched for the applicant.

This page is available to recruiters who have access to the applicant's profile and also permission to view onboarding for an applicant. This page is also available to recruiters who have permission to manage employee onboarding. The Employee Onboarding functionality must also be enabled for the portal.

To access the Onboarding tab, go to Universal Profile > Bio and select the Onboarding tab. Or, go to Recruit > Onboarding Dashboard and click the user's name on the dashboard.

For detailed information about the Universal Profile, See Universal Profile Overview.

Onboarding Workflows

The Onboarding tab displays all workflows that have been assigned to the applicant. Each workflow displays in a separate panel that can be expanded or collapsed. The most recent workflow is expanded by default.

The following information displays in the upper portion of the workflow details:

Organizational Units on Hire Date

This section displays the new hire's future OUs that they will move into on their hire date. Both standard and custom OUs display.

Employee Relationships on Hire Date

This section displays the new hire's future relationships that they will get on their hire date.


This field displays the applicant's progress in the workflow. The applicant's workflow progress status displays to the right of the field name. The following are the potential statuses:

  • In progress - This indicates that the applicant has not yet been onboarded to an employee.
  • Completed
  • Cancelled
  • Onboarding
  • Working - For portals that have Onboarding enabled and User Types and Statuses, the external applicant's status changes from Onboarding to Working when the applicant reaches their onboarding hire date.

The completion percentage displays next to the status. The applicant's progress also displays as a colored progress bar.

Canceled Onboarding for External Applicants

If onboarding is canceled for external applicants, then the user type that was defined in the User Type section on the Start Onboarding page is removed. This allows external applicants to have the appropriate user type of external applicant when onboarding is canceled.

In addition, the user's status is canceled so that the external applicant returns to being an external applicant instead of being a user in the system.

Task Table Section

The following columns and information display in the table:

Task Title

This column displays the title of the task, including integration tasks.

For form tasks, the title displays as a link. Click the link to view the form.


This column displays the status of the task, including integration tasks. The following are the possible statuses:

  • Cancelled - This status displays if onboarding is cancelled for the user.
  • Completed - For form tasks, this status displays if the user has submitted the form. For I-9 E-Verify tasks, this status displays if all steps of the task are completed.
  • In Progress - For form tasks, this status displays if the user has started completing the form but has not yet submitted the form. For I-9 E-Verify tasks, this status displays if the task has been assigned and at least one or more steps of the task are not yet completed by the assignee.
  • Not Started - This status displays if the user has not yet started the task. This status also displays if a Not Started status is submitted by the integration provider.

Status Options

Users with permission to manage onboarding tasks can mark a task completed or cancelled. This helps to better manage onboarding tasks that are no longer needed or have been completed outside the workflow.

Note: Tasks can be cancelled or completed whether they are assigned before the hire date or after the hire date.

The following options are available in the drop-down in the Status column:

Mark Onboarding Task Complete

To mark a task as complete:

  1. Click the options drop-down in the Status column.
  2. Select Mark Complete. The Onboarding tab updates to show the task as completed. This action also triggers the Onboarding Form Completed email, if enabled and active in Email Administration.

Once the task is marked complete:

  • The onboarding completion percentage, which displays on the onboarding dashboard and in the Status field on the new hire's Universal Profile > Onboarding tab, is updated automatically based on the tasks that have been completed.
  • It is removed from the user's Universal Profile > Actions page.
  • Tasks that are In Progress or Complete will still be associated with the hire date.
  • The task can still be viewed in the Onboarding tab as completed.
  • For form tasks, child tasks can be triggered to the appropriate assignees upon parent tasks being marked as completed so that the child task can be completed. Child tasks cannot be marked complete until the parent task is completed.
  • For integration tasks, because child tasks are dependent upon a response from a vendor, marking an integration task as completed does not trigger any reviewer or child tasks.
Mark Onboarding Task Cancelled

To mark a task as cancelled:

  1. Click the options drop-down in the Status column.
  2. Select Mark Cancelled.

Once the task is marked cancelled:

  • It is removed from the user's Universal Profile > Actions page.
  • The onboarding completion percentage, which displays on the onboarding dashboard and in the Status field on the new hire's Universal Profile > Onboarding tab, is updated automatically to reflect the change as a result of the cancelled task.
  • Tasks that are In Progress or Complete will still be associated with the hire date.
  • The task can still be viewed in the Onboarding tab as Cancelled.
  • Any child tasks are also cancelled if the parent task is cancelled. The parent and child tasks are removed from the user's Universal Profile > Actions page.

Note: Both form tasks and integration tasks can be cancelled.


This column displays the name of the user assigned to the task.


This column displays for all tasks but only provides results for integration tasks. The column is blank for form tasks.

I-9 E-Verify Tasks

For I-9 E-Verify tasks, the result displays the status of the I-9 form after it has been submitted to the third party application. The column displays one of the following results of the e-verification, depending on the case state of the verification process:

  • Action Required - This result displays if an action is required by the employer to complete the e-verify process for the new hire.
  • Approved - This status indicates that the submitted form has been approved. The form is now considered completed.
  • Authorized - This result indicates that the user's identity has been verified and the user is authorized to work in the United States. This result displays if the e-verification has been completed and the case is closed.
  • Authorized - Closed Case - This result indicates that the new hire is authorized to work in the United States, and the employer must access the third party application to close the e-verify case to make the work authorization official.
  • Denied - This status indicates that the submitted form has been denied. The approver may have included comments to explain why the form was denied. When a form is denied, the user cannot make changes to the form and resubmit it for approval. A form that requires approval is not considered completed until the form is approved or denied.
  • Denied and Returned - This status indicates that the submitted form has been denied and returned to the user. The user can access the returned form from the Universal Profile > Actions tab, where they can make changes to the form and resubmit it for approval.
  • N/A - If a result has not yet been received, then N/A displays.
  • Pending - This result displays if a decision to verify whether or not the new hire is authorized to work in the United States is pending on the verification.
  • Pending Approval - This status indicates that the submitted form is pending action from the approver to approve, deny, or deny and return the form.
  • Unauthorized - This result indicates that the user's identity has been verified and the user is not authorized to work in the United States. This result displays if the e-verification has been completed and the case is closed.
  • Unauthorized - Close Case - This result indicates that the new hire is determined to be not authorized to work in the United States, and the employer must access the third party application to close the e-verify case to make the work authorization official.

W-4 Form Tasks

The result displays status updates for W-4 form tasks. The updates are sent by CIC Plus. The following results may display:

  • [Number of] Pending Form(s) - This indicates the number of forms that the user has not yet completed in CIC Plus. This status displays when a task is in an In Progress status and there is at least one pending form status received from CIC Plus.

Once all forms are completed, the Result column is blank and the Status column displays a Completed status.