Internal Career Site - View Job Details

The job details page displays additional information about the job, and lets the user apply if interested. This page may also include competency information, recommended learning, and access to development plans.

To view the details for a job, go to Home > Internal Career Site. Search for and then select a job in the search results.

Job Title/Location/ID Number

Displays the job title, location, and requisition ID number for the selected job, if applicable.

Apply Now

Select Apply Now to apply for this job. Note: This button may appear at the top and bottom of the details page. See Internal Career Site - Apply to Job.

Refer a Candidate

Select Refer a Candidate to refer the job to someone externally, such as a friend or relative. This option only appears for jobs that are eligible to be referred. See Internal Career Site - Refer Candidates.

Share on LinkedIn

Internal employees can select Share on LinkedIn to post jobs on LinkedIn


This section displays a description and qualifications for the job, if applicable. This section may also include additional information about the job, such as a video.

Competencies for this Job

This section displays the competency and skills targets for this job as follows:

  • Competencies - Displays the competencies in the associated competency model. Show more displays additional information about each competency.
  • Competency Comparison - If the logged-in user has completed a competency assessment containing any of these competencies, this rating compares their score with the target competency for this position. These scores work with standalone competency assessment tasks and for competency rating sections of performance reviews.
  • Difference - Displays the difference between the user's competency rating and the target.

Note: This section is optional and only appears if enabled by an administrator in Internal Career Site Preferences, and the selected job's Position OU has Competency Model data configured.

Recommended Learning for this Position

Displays related recommended learning courses. Click a title to view the learning.

Note: This section is optional and only appears if enabled by an administrator. If clients do not use Learning, these options are not available.

Create Development Plan

Click Create Development Plan to create a development plan. See Create/Edit Development Plan .

Note: This section is optional and only appears if enabled by an administrator.