Career Site - Create a Profile

To create a profile, click Create a Profile in the upper-right corner of any page in the career site. If you have already created a profile and you are logged in, this link is not available.

Create Profile

On this page, enter the following information to create a new applicant profile within the system:

  • First Name - Enter your first name. The character limit for this field is 100. This is a required field. The following characters are invalid:
    • (
    • )
    • <
    • >
  • Last Name - Enter your last name. The character limit for this field is 100. This is a required field. The following characters are invalid:
    • (
    • )
    • <
    • >
  • Email - Enter the email address you would like to associate with your profile and use when logging in to the career site. The character limit for this field is 100.
  • Confirm Email - Reenter your email address to ensure it is entered correctly. This email address must match the one entered above.
  • Phone - Enter the phone number you would like to use as your contact number. The field accepts up to 30 characters. If Requisition and Applicant Preferences are configured by the administrator to require that applicants provide a phone number, then you cannot register without completing the Phone field. Note: The system does not check the validity of the phone number.
  • Password - Enter the password you would like to use when logging in to the career site. The minimum criteria for the password is provided on the page.
  • Confirm Password - Reenter your password to ensure it is entered correctly. This password must match the one entered above.
  • Language - This field only displays for portals with multiple languages enabled. Applicants select the language from the drop-down, and the selection will be the applicant's default language for the career site.
  • CAPTCHA - Enter the text from the CAPTCHA box. The text must be entered correctly in order to create a profile. If the information is not entered correctly, the text will refresh and need to be entered again until it is entered correctly. Note: The availability of this functionality is controlled by a security setting which can be managed in the Security Health Check tool.
  • Terms of Service - Check the box to agree to the terms of service. The box must be checked in order to create a profile.

Click Create Profile to create a new profile. This creates a new user in the system.

Candidate Email Verification

If email verification is enabled by the administrator in Feature Activation Preferences, candidates may be required to verify their email address prior to having access to their account on the career site. When they click Create Profile, a pop-up appears indicating that an email has been sent to them with a link to verify their email.

Note: The email that is sent to the candidate is not customizable. This is a system-generated email. In order for the email to fire, a default "from" email address must be present in a backend setting. The backend setting can be configured by contacting Global Customer Support.

Clicking the link in the email takes them to an account verification confirmation page, which lets them know the verification was successful. Once their email is verified, they can access their My Profile page on the career site.

Potential Duplicate Applicants

If the Prevent Duplicates option is selected by the administrator in Requisition and Applicant Preferences, then the system performs a duplicate applicant check each time an applicant attempts to create a profile on the career site. When Create Profile is clicked, the system checks the applicant's phone number and first and last name against existing applicants.

  • If an exact match is found, then the applicant is redirected to the Forgot Password page so that they can log in to the career site with their existing profile to apply to the job.
  • If an applicant's phone number has the same numerals as a phone number that is already associated with a profile, the applicant will not be able to create a second profile using that phone number, even if one of the phone numbers includes special characters.

For more information about preventing duplicate applicants, see the Duplicate Applicants - Identify and Reduce topic in Online Help.

Back to Search

Click Back to Search to return to the Job Search or Job Details page from which the user came.

Terms of Service

Click Terms of Service to view the Cornerstone OnDemand terms of service in a new browser window.