Playlist Details

From the Playlist Details page, users can view the training inside the playlist, view information about the playlist creator, and share and follow the playlist.

To access the Playlist Details page for a playlist, find the playlist via Learner Home, Learning Search, or the My Playlists page and click the title of the playlist.


In the header of the Playlist Details page, the title of the playlist displays. For the creator of the playlist, the Title field is editable. To edit the title, place your cursor in the Title field and delete or enter text as necessary.

In the upper-right corner of the header, options are available. To view the options, click the ... button. The following options may display:

  • Share - Click this option to share the playlist. For more information, see the Social Sharing section below.
  • View as Admin - Click this option to access the Course Console page for the playlist.
  • Delete - Click this option to delete the playlist.
  • Copy - Click this option to copy the playlist. See Copy Playlists.

Playlist Information

The information bar located below the banner of the Playlist Details page displays the following information:

  • Privacy Switch - This toggle switch allows users with the appropriate permission to specify whether the playlist can be accessed by other system users. When the switch is toggled to the Private setting, the playlist cannot be accessed by other users in the system, and only the playlist creator can access the playlist. When the switch is toggled to the Public setting, the playlist is visible to other system users, according to the constraints of the permission. This switch is only visible to the creator of the playlist, and is only available if they have the permission to make playlists visible.
  • Items - This field displays the total number of training items contained within the playlist. All training items added to the playlist are included in this figure, including items that are active, inactive, available, and unavailable.
  • Playlist Followers - This field displays the total number of users who are following the playlist.
  • View all followers - If the playlist has one or more followers, the View all followers link displays below the number of followers. Click the View all followers link to open a flyout with the names, profile photos, and positions of all users who are currently following the playlist. The total number of followers appears at the top of the flyout, and all followers appear in alphabetical order. Clicking the name or photo of a user opens the user's Universal Profile - Bio page in a separate window. If the playlist has more than ten followers, the flyout paginates with up to ten followers per page. Click the Close button at the bottom of the flyout to close the flyout. Note: The View all followers link does not display if Follower Information has been disabled via Playlist Preferences.
  • Last Updated - This field displays the last date the playlist was modified.


In the Description section, the description the playlist creator provided for the playlist displays.


Each training item added to the playlist structure displays as a tile. Each tile provides the following information and options:

  • Thumbnail Image - The thumbnail image configured for the training via Course Catalog displays at the top of the training tile.
  • Training Type - This is the learning object (LO) type of the training, such as online course, curriculum, event, etc.
  • Title - This is the title of the training item.
  • Status - If the training is already on the user's transcript, the current status for the training displays.
  • Actions - The following additional actions may be available for training items:
    • Primary Transcript Action - The Actions drop-down provides quick access to the current primary action on the user’s transcript for the specific training item. For example, if the current action for the training on the user's transcript is Launch, a Launch link displays.

    • Secondary Transcript Actions - Any other available transcript actions available to the user for the training item appear in the Actions drop-down menu and allow the user to perform the associated action on the training.
    • Add Annotation - Click this option to provide or edit the annotation for the training item. Annotations are limited to 300 characters.
    • Save for Later - Click the option to save the training item for later. The item is saved to the Saved for Later carousel on Learner Home. See Learner Home - Training and Banner Carousels.

Social Sharing

Users can follow and share playlists via the Playlist Details page.

Share Playlist

From the Playlist Details page for a playlist, learners can obtain a deep link which can be used to provide other learners with direct access to the playlist. To get a deep link for a playlist:

  1. Navigate to the Playlist Details page for the playlist.
  2. Click the "..." icon in the upper-right corner of the Playlist Details page. An Options menu expands.
  3. Click the Share option. This opens the Share This Playlist pop-up window, where a deep link to the playlist is provided in a text box.
  4. Either click the Click to Copy button or manually copy the link, and use the link to share the playlist with other users (i.e. via email, using a button, etc.). You can close the pop-up window by clicking the Close icon in the upper-right corner of the window.

When the link is used, the user will be navigated to the playlist in the learning management system (LMS).

Follow Playlist

Learners can follow playlists in order to be notified when updates are made to those playlists. The followed playlists are also added to the Following tab on the user's My Playlists page. The Follow option is available in the bottom right corner of playlist tiles when they display in the following system areas:

  • Learner Home
  • Learning Search
  • My Playlists

To follow a playlist from the Learner Home or the Learning Search pages, click the Follow link in the playlist tile. To follow a playlist from the Playlist Details page, click the Follow button in the upper-right corner of the Playlist Details page.

The playlist is added to the Following tab on the user's My Playlists page. If more than 20 playlists have been added to a user's Following tab, the Following tab paginates with up to 20 playlist tiles per page.

If configured, when items are added to a playlist a user is following, the user can receive an email digest notifying them of the addition.

Number of Followers

The number of followers who have followed each playlist displays below the playlist title when the playlist displays on Learner Home, Learning Search, and the [User's] Playlists page.


If a user is already following a playlist, an Unfollow button is available in the upper-right corner of the Playlist Details page for the playlist. Click the Unfollow button to remove the playlist from your Following tab and stop receiving email notifications for the playlist. After unfollowing a playlist, the Follow option reappears.

Users can also unfollow playlists from the Learner Home page and the Learning Search page. If the user finds a playlist they have already followed, an Unfollow link appears on the playlist's tile on Learner Home and Learning Search. Click the Unfollow option to remove the playlist from your Following tab and stop receiving email notifications for the playlist. After unfollowing a playlist, the Follow option appears on the playlist's tile.

Related Learning Carousel

The Related Learning carousel on the Playlist page provides both the playlist creator and learners with additional machine learning-generated training recommendations. These recommendations make it easier for playlist creators to add to their playlists, and learners are able to continue their learning journeys.

On a desktop browser, up to four tiles can display at a time in the Related Learning carousel. When sized down to a mobile device, one and a half tiles display at a time for each training carousel. Up to twenty training items can be contained in the entire carousel. Users can interact with the carousel in the following ways:

  • Page through the tiles by clicking the pagination dots on the top right of the carousel
  • Page through the tiles by clicking the left and right navigation arrows which appear when the user hovers over the carousel. Note: Clicking the right navigation arrow on the last page of tiles returns the user to the beginning of the carousel.

Training Tiles

Each Related Learning training tile displays the following information:

  • Thumbnail Image - The image associated with the training item displays at the top of each tile.
  • Training Type - This field displays the type of the training item, such as online class, curriculum, material, etc.
  • Title - This field displays the title of the training item.
  • Duration - This field displays the duration of the training. Note: If the duration is 0, this field does not display.

Note: The tile is clickable and redirects the user to the Training Details page for the training item.

Training Tile Actions

Related Learning tiles display all available actions in the options drop-down:

  • Options - Click the "..." icon to access the following actions:
    • Launch (if available) - Click this option to launch the training. This adds the training item to the user’s transcript, and the training attempts to open in a new window. The page will then refresh to the transcript. Note: This option does not display if the backend setting to launch from training details is not enabled and this option is only available for Materials, Online Classes, Quick Courses, and Videos.
    • Request (if available) - Click this option to request the training. This adds the training item to the user’s transcript. The page will then refresh to the transcript.
    • Add to Cart (if available) - Click this option to add the training to your shopping cart. After the user clicks this option, the page refreshes to the shopping cart page.
    • Save for Later (if available) - Click this link to save the training item. Saved training items display in the Saved for Later carousel on the Learner Home page. Any training item available to the user or on their transcript can be saved except for certifications, and there is no limit on the number of items which can be saved.
    • Remove from Saved (if available) - This link is only available if the training has already been saved by the user. Click this link to remove the training item from the Saved for Later section.

    For users with permission to create playlists, an Add to Playlist option is available in the Options menu of non-playlist training tiles. Clicking the Add to Playlist option opens a menu with the following options:

    • Quick Add - The titles of your five most recently updated playlists display as options. Click the title of a playlist to add the training item to that playlist. A validation message displays at the top of the page when the training has been successfully added to the playlist.
    • Create New Playlist - Click this option to begin creating a new playlist, using this training item as the playlist's first item.
    • Manage Playlists - Click this option to navigate to your own Playlists page.

    Related Learning Exclusions

    The following training will NOT be recommended to users in the above training carousels:

    • Session or cohort training items (because there is a date component to these types)
    • Training flagged as "Exclude from Recommendations" via the Course Catalog
    • Training not available to the user (i.e. not in their availability)
    • Inactive training
    • Training that was requested or assigned (i.e. is already on the user's transcript)
    • Training that is NOT in a Published training status
    • Training that is NOT the latest version
    • Training that has recurrence enabled and is already on the user's transcript
    • Child training that is not standalone
    • Child training that is on a user's transcript as Active (and is also a standalone training item)
    • Child training that is on a user's transcript as Not Yet Activated (and is also a standalone training item)