Talent Pool - Manage

Use the Manage Talent Pools page to view the talent pools you created or have been shared with you. You can view and edit, share, and delete talent pools.

To access the Manage Talent Pools page, select Manage Talent Pools from the sublink in the navigation tab to which the link has been added. Administrators can add the Manage Talent Pools sublink in Navigation Tabs and Links Preferences. See Talent Pool - Navigation Tabs and Links.

Create Talent Pool

The Create Talent Pool option allows you to add a new talent pool. To create a talent pool:

  1. Click Create Talent Pool. This opens the Create Talent Pool pop-up.
  2. Enter a name for the talent pool, up to 50 characters.
  3. Click Save. This adds the talent pool to your list of talent pools.

Note: For portals with Recruiting enabled, see the View Talent Pool topic in Online Help for information about adding candidates to a talent pool.

Talent Pools List

Talent pools display in order of most to least recently added. The following information displays for the talent pools:

  • Name - The name of the talent pool is a clickable link. Click the name to view and edit the talent pool.
  • Date Created - This field displays the date on which the talent pool was created.
  • Creator - This field displays the name of the talent pool creator.
  • Options - The following options are available from the drop-down to the right of the talent pool:
    • Edit - Click Edit to view the talent pool and make changes to it, such adding users, changing the talent pool name, or creating a nomination list. This opens the talent pools page for the talent pool.
    • Share - Talent pools can be shared so that other users can provide their input in managing and promoting the users in the talent pool. This option does not display for users with whom a talent pool has been shared. See Talent Pool - Share.
    • Delete - This option only displays for the talent pool creator. Click Delete to delete the talent pool. This opens the Delete Talent Pool pop-up. Click Yes to delete the talent pool. This removes it from the creator and any users with whom the talent pool has been shared. Or, click No to close the pop-up without deleting the talent pool.