What's New for the 17 May 2019 Patch Release

The following is released along with the 17 May 2019 patch release:

Module Feature Description
Cornerstone HR Employee Record Change Outbound Feed With this enhancement, the CSV pipe-delimited format is now available as a data feed option.
Core Partner Access Administration With this enhancement, partner access to configure or administer a portal is now controlled directly by the client administrator through the new Partner Access Administration page. Partners who require administrator access to configure a portal now request the client to add them and will no longer be administered by Cornerstone.
Core Portal Security - Standardize Text Box HTML Validation As part of Cornerstone’s ongoing commitment to client data security and a consistent user experience, we are standardizing the strength of security anywhere a text box is used. The standardized validation is first implemented in the 17 May 2019 post-release patch, in Stage environments only, to allow ample time for client testing prior to being implemented in production environments with the August '19 Release. Cornerstone strongly suggests clients use the three month period for testing in Stage to understand the impact this change may have, before it is pushed to production.
Core/Edge Workday Core Data Inbound Enhancements

For organizations using Workday as their HCM and using the Workday Core Data Inbound integration, the following enhancements have been made to the integration with the 17 May 2019 post-release patch:

  • Organizations have the option to sync organizational units (OUs) only, users only, or both OUs and Users.
Edge Develop Transcript Search API Enhancements

The REST Transcript Search API provides clients, partners, and vendors the ability to retrieve transcript data from Cornerstone. With this enhancement, the following updates have been made to the Transcript Search API:

  • An option to retrieve the parent learning object (LO) ID for a child LO using the API is available if the parent LO is present on the user's transcript.
  • The option to increase the API's response page size to 1000 is available.
Edge Develop Update Goal Progress API

With this enhancement, an API for updating goal progress is now available, which can be used together with the API for creating goals and the API for updating goals to build a complete integration solution. The Update Goal Progress API supports updating progress on goals and goal tasks, as well as updating actual values in goal targets.

Onboarding "Start Onboarding" Permission - Update to Constraint Behavior

The constraint behavior for the Start Onboarding permission is being updated with this enhancement. This update applies to the Start Onboarding option on the Applicant Profile page and does not impact the ability to enter data on the Start Onboarding page.