Welcome to Cornerstone Skills Studio

No single off-the-shelf skills data set is the perfect fit for your organization. Every organization has a different set of business requirements and it requires each person in the organization to possess a specialized set of skills. Cornerstone Skills Studio enables you to present your employees with the skills that matter to them and your business, in a harmonized way. Cornerstone Skills Studio is designed to help you unify the data coming from a variety of sources, anchor it to Cornerstone's Skills Graph, and further customize it to suit your unique business needs.

By using Skills Graph's taxonomy with pre-trained recommendation models as a starting point, you can bring in additional skill data, review and modify the meta data, and fine-tune its relationship to Skills Graph. For skills unique to your organization, Cornerstone Skills Studio enables you to train the built-in AI models to identify and recommend relevant content for your end users.

Welcome to Skills StudioManage the skills libraryManage learning recommendationsManage skill categoriesImport skillsLocalize a skill

Features and capabilities

Cornerstone Skills Studio serves as an advanced skills library management system that provides your organization with the following capabilities:
  • Skill taxonomy management

    Build a unique skills taxonomy based on the Skills Graph, external skills, and custom skills.

  • Category management

    Create and manage custom categories which, along with the Skills Graph category hierarchy, make it easier to find and manage skill data.

  • Skill details and localization

    Take a self-service approach to managing skill details and their localization.

  • New skill creation, import, and training

    Unify skill terminology across systems to ensure a consistent user experience around skills.

  • Skill detection and recommendation

    Refine skill AI models to optimize content recommendations and discovery.