Community Feed - Create Posting

From the Community Feed, users may be able to create a new discussion posting and select the topic into which the posting will be added. If there are no topics for which the user has permission to create a posting, then this functionality is not available.

To create a discussion posting, select within the Create a discussion posting field. The panel expands to show the Select Topic drop-down and the Post and Cancel options.

Posting Title and Body

When creating a posting from the Community Feed, users must set a title for the posting and add body text.

To set a title for the posting, enter the posting title in quotation marks. Then, enter the body text for the posting after the posting title. If a title is not provided in quotation marks at the beginning of the posting, then the first 70 characters of the posting text will be used as the title.

Hashtags can be used in the posting body text. A maximum of 10,000 characters can be entered.

For information on how to set the posting title and body text, hover the cursor over the Information icon in the upper-right corner of the Create a discussion posting field.

Attach a File

To attach a file to your posting, click the Attach File button below the right of the Create a discussion posting field. See Live Feed - Attach a File.

Include URL Preview

When creating a posting from the Community Feed, you can include a URL with the post. See Live Feed - Include URL Preview.

Select Topic

A posting must be associated with a topic so that the system knows where the posting should be created.

To set the topic into which the new posting should be created, select the appropriate topic from the Select Topic drop-down list.

Within the drop-down menu, the topics that were most recently selected by the user are displayed first with "(Recent)" appended to the topic title to indicate that it is a topic that was recently selected. Following the recently selected topics, all available topics are displayed in alphabetical order. Topics are only displayed if they are available to the user. Up to 10 topics are displayed in the drop-down menu.

Post or Cancel

After entering the appropriate title and body text, attaching any necessary files, and setting the posting topic, select Post to create the posting, or select Cancel to discard the posting.