Passwords and Users Added Via Data Feed

This topic outlines what happens with regards to passwords when a user is added to the system via a data feed. See Data Feeds - Inbound vs. Outbound.

Two possible scenarios occur, depending on whether users are assigned a password within the data feed.

Scenario 1: User is not assigned a password

If a user is added to the system via a data feed and is not assigned a password, then an initial password is set to the default password.

Administrators are responsible for informing users of their initial passwords outside of the system. This communication may be done in person, over the phone, or through an external email system. Users should be aware that they will always be prompted to change their initial password upon logging in to the system for the first time.

Users that are added to the system via a data feed do not receive the "New User Record Created (Via Add User Page)" email.

Scenario 2: User is assigned a password

Some organizations have a custom feed process that assigns new users a specific password (e.g., the first three initials of the user's last name combined with their date of birth). Any organization that provides a customized password for each new user has established a custom feed. In these instances, there are two options for how passwords are configured:

  • Password is set to expire - The new user will use the password from the data feed. Upon initial login, the user is prompted to change this password.
  • Password is set to not expire - The new user will use the password from the data feed and is not required to change it.

Administrators are responsible for informing users of their initial passwords outside of the system. This communication may be done in person, over the phone, or through an external email system. Users should be aware that they will always be prompted to change their initial password upon logging in to the system for the first time.

Users that are added to the system via a data feed do not receive the "New User Record Created (Via Add User Page)" email.

See Password Preferences.

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