Position OU - Create - Step 5 - Attributes

The Attributes tab allows the administrator to define job attributes. Job attributes can be defined by utilizing criteria from the Resume. Attributes such as education, experience, skills, etc. can be used to define the attributes and requirements ideal to a particular Job OU. This allows for candidate profile matching, job profile matching, career pathing, enhanced succession and workforce planning. In order to utilize the Job attributes, Succession Management must be enabled. If Succession Management is not enabled, then the ability to add Job attributes will not be available. This functionality allows you to add criteria from Resume sections to define Job attributes. Completing this section of the Job OU setup is NOT mandatory.

To create a Position OU, go to Admin > Tools > Core Functions > Organizational Units. Then, click the Manage Organizational Unit Hierarchy link. Select Position from the Organization Unit category drop-down list. Then, click the Add Position link.

Add Position Attributes

To add an attribute to the position:

  1. Select the Add icon to the rights of the Attribute heading. The Add Attributes pop-up opens.
  2. Select from any resume section defined within the Career Center from the Attribute drop down. Performance or Competency will not appear as a selectable attribute.
  3. Define the attribute criteria. The criteria fields will vary based on the resume section selected as the attribute. Only active fields within the Resume section will appear when defining the job attribute.
  4. Click Save.

Attributes Table

The Attributes table displays all attributes that have been added to the position OU.

The following settings and options are available for each attribute.

  • Edit - Click to edit the attribute.
  • Delete - Click to remove the attribute. If all criteria within a resume section are removed, then the Resume section will no longer appear on the Job Profile.


Click Next to continue to the Competencies step. See Position OU - Create - Step 6 - Competencies.