Email Tags

Email tags can be included in email templates that allow you to automatically substitute specific information, such as the User's name, the Approver's name, the Price of the training, the Date of the Request was made, etc., in any new email created. Clicking the Display a list of tags that can be used within the subject and body of the Email link within the new Email template will display the tags that can be used in that specific Email.

For emails that support the "RECIPIENT.FIRST.NAME" and "RECIPIENT.LAST.NAME" tags, these tags always populate with the name of the person who receives the email. For example, if you have an email where the "To" field is set to "Instructor", if a Session has multiple instructors, using the "INSTRUCTOR.FIRST.NAME" and "INSTRUCTOR.LAST.NAME" tags may not align to the email recipient. However, addressing the email "Dear RECIPIENT.FIRST.NAME RECIPIENT.LAST.NAME" will ensure the name is correct.

The tags used in this example are:


Example of how these tags would appear to users in an email.

Billing Emails

Careers Emails

Custom Field Tags

Employee Onboarding Emails

Form Management Emails

ILT Emails

LMS Emails

Login Message Emails

Planning Emails

Performance Emails

Recruiting Emails

Email Tags That Support SSO Functionality

See Email Tags That Support SSO Functionality.

Frequently Asked Questions

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