Requisition Snapshot - Submission Details Tab

The Submission Details tab displays an overview of all submissions related to the job requisition. This includes all applicants who were prescreened out due to incorrect prescreening question responses. From this page, you can also add candidates to the requisition. The Submission Details tab opens by default when accessing the Requisition Snapshot page.

To access the snapshot, go to Recruit > Manage Requisition. Click Snapshot from the drop-down in the Actions column.

Requisition Details Summary

In the upper left portion of the Submission Details tab, the following information is displayed for the job requisition:

  • Requisition Status - This field displays the status of the job requisition (Draft, Pending Approval, Approval Denied, Open, Open-Pending Re-Approval, Closed, and Cancelled).
  • Priority - This field displays the priority status of the job requisition (Critical to Fill, Normal, and On-going).
  • Postings - This field displays the number of currently active postings for the job requisition.
  • Days Open - This field displays the total number of days that have passed since the job requisition was given a status of Open.
  • Openings - This field displays the number of current openings. If the requisition is on- going, then "On-Going" appears instead of a number.
  • Submission Sources - This field displays the number of submissions that were received from each source. Submissions are grouped into primary and secondary source groups. Primary source groups are collapsed by default and always appear even if there are no submissions to the group. The following are the primary source groups and the order in which they appear in the field.
    • Career Center
    • Career Sites
    • Job Boards
    • Agency Submissions
    • Referrals
    • Added Manually
  • The Career Sites, Job Boards, and Referrals groups can be expanded or collapsed to display their secondary groups by clicking the Expand icon and the Collapse icon . The secondary groups are the career sites, job boards, and referrals associated with the primary source group. Note: The Expand and Collapse icons are not mathematical symbols.

    For the Agency Submissions source, The number of applications submitted to all agency portals displays to the left of the "Agency Submissions" source. If the organization has multiple agencies, then an expand icon to the left of the number of submissions enables you to view the number of submissions for each individual agency.

    The sources display even after the posting expires for the job board.

  • Total Submissions - This field displays the total number of submissions for the requisition, including all submissions from each possible source. Note: If the same person applies for the requisition more than once, each instance is added to the total.
  • Total Applicants - This field displays the total number of submissions that have appeared on the Manage Applicants page for the requisition.
  • Active Applicants - This field displays the total number of applicants that have an active status.

Status Bar Chart

In the upper-right corner of the Submission Details tab, the bar chart graphically displays the status breakdown for submissions that reach the status of In Review. The statuses in the chart appear in the order that is defined for the job requisition.

All Submissions

The All Submissions panel displays all submissions for the requisition. From this panel, you can view applicant information, rate applicants, and add submissions.

Add Submission

To manually add a submission to the job requisition, click Add Submission. This opens the Add Submissions page, from which you can add submissions to the requisition. See Add Submission.

The option to manually add submissions is only available for requisitions with a status of Open or Open Pending Re-Approval. Note: To manually add a submission , you must have the permission necessary to manage requisitions or be dynamically assigned the permission necessary to be a requisition owner in order.

Administrators and recruiters can search for a submission by job requisition status or name. To search by requisition status, select the appropriate status from the drop-down list. To search by applicant name, enter the applicant's name in the Name search field. First names, last names, partial names, or full names can be entered. After specifying the search criteria, click the Search icon. The search criteria work in combination so only candidates matching both search criteria are returned.

Anonymous Applicants Note: When the Anonymize personal applicant data for New Submissions option is selected in Compliance Enablement Preferences for a Location OU, the he Search by Name functionality supports numeric searches, as anonymous applicants display as a number.

Submissions Table

In the submissions table, the following information is displayed for each submission:

  • Name - The job applicant's full name. Click the applicant's name to view the applicant's profile page.
  • Note: Users with the permission necessary to manage requisitions can view an applicant's profile regardless of job requisition ownership. Requisition owners that do not have the permission necessary to manage requisitions can only view an applicant's profile for a job requisition for which they are an owner. Requisition reviewers that do not have the permission necessary to manage requisitions can only access the Applicant Profile page and review applicants for a job requisition for which they are a reviewer. See Applicant Profile Page for additional information.

    Note: Applicants who have been merged do not display in the All Submissions table. The name of the applicant with whom the applicant has been merged displays instead. The applicant profile for merged applicants can only be accessed from the Applicant Profile page of the target profile.

    Anonymous Applicants Note: When the Anonymize personal applicant data for New Submissions option is selected in Compliance Enablement Preferences for a Location OU, the value in the Name column for applicants in a New Submission status is replaced with the applicant's requisition number and applicant ID. The applicant ID is scrambled so that the applicant remains anonymous. Clicking the link opens the applicant's Snapshot page in their applicant profile. In addition, when sorting the Name column, the applicant ID for anonymous applicants is sorted numerically. Once the anonymous applicant is no longer in a New Submission status, the applicant's name is visible.

  • Submission - The date on which the application was submitted. By default, submissions are sorted by their submission date with the newest submissions listed first.
  • Source - The source by which the applicant applied for the position. Note: The agency portal name in the Source column displays as a link. Clicking the link opens an information pop-up that includes the name of the user that submitted the applicant, the submitter's job title, the submitter's phone number, and the submitter's email address. Click the email address to send the submitter an email.
  • Rating - The applicant's average rating. To the right of the rating, the number of ratings that have been made is displayed. This option is only available if the "Allow reviewer ratings" option in General Preferences is selected.
    • To rate an applicant, click the appropriate number of stars in the Rating column. Five stars is the highest possible rating. Ratings can also be made from the Applicant Profile page and the View Details page. You can change your rating by selecting the new rating, which overwrites the previous rating. See Applicant Profile Page for additional information.
    • Click the ratings link to view all of the ratings that have been submitted along with contact information for each user that has rated the applicant.
  • Status - The applicant's current status as it relates to the job requisition. Note: For the Closed status, the disposition reason displays in parentheses to the right of the Closed status. This helps recruiters quickly identify the reason an applicant's status was changed to Closed.
  • Days in Status - The number of days the applicant has been in their current status.

Archived Applicants

Applicants can be archived in the Applicant Tracking System. When an applicant is archived, their name no longer displays on the Submission Details tab of the Requisition Snapshot page, and their associated data is partially hidden.

The following occurs on the Submission Details tab when an applicant is archived:

  • Archived applicants are included in the status chart that displays in upper portion of the page based on their most current status.
  • Archived applicants are considered inactive on the Snapshot page.
  • Archived applicants cannot be added as a new submission or applicant.
  • Archived applicants can be searched in the status filter based on their most current status.
  • Archived applicants cannot be searched in the Name filter, as the name for archived applicants is hidden.
  • "Archived" displays in the Name column in place of the applicant's name.
  • The submission date displays in the Submission column, as with current functionality.
  • The source is hidden in the Source column.
  • The rating is hidden in the Rating column.
  • The status displays in the Status column, as with current functionality.
  • The number of days in the status displays in the Days in Status column.

Click Back to return to the Manage Job Requisitions page.