Capability Feedback Templates - Manage

Feedback Templates are the package of configuration choices made by the administrator that form the rating and feedback experiences for the end user. Each template defines the method in which it is initiated, by whom it is initiated, and whom it will rate. These templates exist behind-the-scenes for the end user, while guiding them and minimizing friction.

Prior to editing a feedback template, a best practice is to configure your rating scales.

To manage capabilities feedback templates, go to Admin > Tools > Core Functions > Capabilities > Feedback Templates.

Edit Feedback Template

To edit a capability feedback template, select the Edit link for the appropriate template in the list. See Capability Feedback Templates - Edit.

Feedback Templates List

The following information is listed for each existing capability feedback template:

  • Name - This displays the display name of the feedback template that appears to users on the cover page before starting to provide feedback.
  • Dimension - This displays whether the template is used to rate a user's proficiency, enjoyment, interest, or endorsement. A template may have multiple dimensions.
  • Feature Connectors - This displays the number of areas or features in which the template can be accessed by users.
  • Last Modified - This displays the date on which the feedback template was last modified and the administrator who modified it.

Default Feedback Templates

The following capability feedback templates are available by default:

  • Self Rating on Proficiency - This template is used for users to rate their own proficiency in a capability. By default, the feedback that raters provide using this template are visible to the rater and the rater's direct manager.
  • Self Rating on Interest - This template is used for users to rate their own interest in a capability. By default, the feedback that raters provide using this template are visible to the rater.
  • Peer Rating (private) - This template is used for a user's peers to privately rate the user's proficiency in a capability. By default, the feedback that raters provide using this template are visible to only the rater and the user being rated.
  • Peer Rating (public) - This template is used for a user's peers to publicly rate the user's proficiency in a capability. By default, the feedback that raters provide using this template are visible to everyone.
  • Private Proficiency Rating - This template is used for anyone to privately rate a user's proficiency in a capability. By default, the feedback that raters provide using this template are visible to the rater and the user being rated.
  • Proficiency Ratings shared with your Manager - This template is used for anyone to privately rate a user's proficiency in a capability. By default, the feedback that raters provide using this template are visible to the rater, the user being rated, and the user's direct manager.
  • Request Private Feedback - This template enables employees to request others to provide private feedback. The person who creates the request is able to select which skill are included in the request. Users have access to this template when requesting feedback in My Feedback Requests.
  • Request 360 feedback about a specific person - This template enables administrators, managers, or other leadership roles to ask others to provide feedback about a specific user on a list of skills that they have chosen. The person who creates the request is able to select which skills are included in the request. Users who have permission to request others to provide feedback on a specific user will have access to this template when requesting feedback in My Feedback Requests.
  • Request Someone to Rate Themself - This template enables administrators, managers, or other leadership roles to ask others to rate themselves from a list of skills that they have chosen. The person who creates the request is able to select which skill are included in the request. Users who have permission to request others to provide feedback on themselves will have access to this template when requesting feedback in My Feedback Requests.
  • Endorsement - This template has a limited set of settings, and it is used to give an endorsement for a user on a specific skill. An endorsement does not confer a specific judgment about proficiency, but it generally means you are willing to vouch for someone's proficiency in a certain skill. It is subjective, but it is always positive. By default, the endorsement is visible to everyone.

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