Set Availability by Organizational Unit

Availability determines which users can access an item in the system. Availability can be set by division, position, location, specific users, and more. Availability can be configured from multiple system locations.

To access the Course Catalog, go to Admin > Tools > Learning > Catalog Management > Course Catalog. Then, search for the LO you want to modify and click the Options drop-down menu next to it. Click the Edit link.

Set Availability

To set availability, navigate to the Availability tab of the training item and complete the following steps:

  1. Click the Availability Selection Criteria drop-down menu in functional area that requires availability.
  2. Select an organizational unit (OU) type from the Select Criteria drop-down.
  3. Click the Search icon to select a specific OU.
  4. Search for OUs by Name, Owner, or ID. Enter full or partial information and click the Search button.
  5. Select an OU by clicking Add icon next to the OU.
    • If selecting more than one OU within the same OU type:
      • Click the Add icon to add another OU to the selected list within the same pop-up.
      • If an OU name has already been selected, the Add icon is replaced by N/A
  6. If necessary, Create New Group
    • For more information about creating a group, See - Create Groups. After a group has been created and added to the system, it can be selected as availability criteria.
    • Select the new group to add it to the availability criteria.
  7. Click the Donebutton when you are finished adding all criteria.
  8. Define settings for your selected OUs:
    • Check Include Subordinates to make the learning object (LO) available to the selected OU and its subordinate OUs.
    • Check Pre-Approved to exempt your selected OUs from requiring approval for the LO.
    • Check Register Upon Approval to automatically register the selected users in the training, thereby allowing them to bypass the Register link on the transcript.
    • Select Required or Suggested to display the LO in the Suggested Training section of the Welcome Page or in the Required Training section of the user transcript.
    • Select a training form to be included with the LO if desired.