Accessibility Enhancements - July 2024

With this enhancement, Cornerstone CSX has made accessibility enhancements to empower users with disabilities by providing an inclusive and seamless user experience, enhancing their ability to access, understand, and interact effectively with our digital content.

The following accessibility enhancements are included:

  • Keyboard Accessibility Support - Significant strides have been made to bolster everyone's user experience. We've introduced Keyboard Accessibility Support, ensuring users can efficiently navigate and interact with our application without relying on a mouse.
  • Improvements to Screen Reader Support - Considerable improvements have been made to our Screen Reader Support, optimizing how information is conveyed to blind or low-vision users.
  • Color Contrast Enhancements - Recognizing the importance of visual clarity, enhancements have been made to our color contrast, making it easier for individuals with color vision deficiencies to discern content
  • Browser Zoom Support - We've displayed elements correctly when the browser view is zoomed in or viewed on smaller devices.
  • Reporting 2.0 - Accessibility Enhancements

Browse for Training

The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • There was no audible feedback for status changes
  • The Sort button with list value was not announcing options to the screen reader
  • The Sort button was not providing the user with a descriptive purpose
  • The Location icon was not clear
  • The Remove Location Icon was marked as empty
  • Filter Remove links did not provide the screen reader with a descriptive purpose
  • The Type Filter: Intended information and states were not presented to the screen reader
  • Date Range fields did not have appropriate labels when users returned to the fields after entering information
  • Hidden links were still available to screen reader users
  • Clear links did not reference which filter they would clear
  • Location auto-complete filter was not usable by users of assistive technologies
  • Buttons that control the list and card views did not announce the currently selected option
  • Date Range filters were nested and not announcing correctly for screen readers

The color contrast for the following screen elements was improved:

  • Close link for the Location modal
  • Text filter links
  • Focus state for the Sort button
  • Select a Location placeholder text
  • Buttons that control the list view vs card view
  • Focus state for individual dates when navigating the Date Range Calendar with a keyboard
  • Calendar and location picker icons
  • The '+' icon in the Location Picker modal
  • The Home Screen icon in the breadcrumbs

The following keyboard focus issues were fixed:

  • Focus was not returned to the originating element when the location modal was used
  • When a location was removed, the focus was moved to the top of the page


The following keyboard focus issues were fixed:

  • Focus moved inappropriately when selecting the Like/Unlike button

Course Catalog

The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • Improper H1 and H3 tagging of Empty State text
  • Empty State state changes were not announced to screen readers
  • Type Images in Catalog Search were not conveyed to screen readers
  • The screen reader did not ignore Empty State decorative images
  • The Search icon button did not have an appropriate label
  • The More Actions button did not have an appropriate label
  • The More Actions column header did not have an appropriate header and was empty
  • The Refine Your Search - Clear link did not properly alert the user to what was being cleared
  • The availability filter did not have an accessible label
  • The pagination arrows did not possess descriptive and discernible link text
  • The More Actions options in the table did not possess any descriptive or discernible link text
  • Filters were improperly nested, confusing screen reader users
  • The rating filter slide button was not keyboard accessible
  • Checkboxes in the results table did not have accessible names
  • The Training Filter combo box was unnecessarily marked using the Table Markup

The color contrast for the following screen elements was improved:

  • Pagination arrows for search results
  • Date Filter - Selected Date

The following keyboard focus issues were fixed:

  • The Enhanced Search toggle was not displaying Keyboard Focus
  • The filter checkboxes were not displaying Keyboard Focus, such as Created by Me, Downloadable Courses, and Show Courses with Recurrence
  • The Search button was not displaying with Keyboard Focus
  • The Catalog Edit - Focus did not have an outline for the Navigational Tabs
  • Various filters were not displaying keyboard focus after a selection was made ​
  • Various filters, such as provider, subject, and location, could not be interacted with by keyboard-only users
  • Hidden elements received keyboard focus

The following visual label issues were fixed:

  • The Course Code field did not have a visual label
  • The Training Type filter did not have a visual label

Deep Link Administration

The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • Breadcrumb links did not have the appropriate parent link relationship set
  • Column header information was not available to screen readers
  • Accessible names were not available for empty column headers
  • Data tables presented under each tab did not have accessible names
  • No announcement was made for the Link Expiration Date field when an error occurred

The following keyboard focus issues were fixed:

  • The More Actions menu was not reachable by keyboard
  • There was no outline for the Add New Base URL button when in focus

The following error state and required field issues were fixed:

  • The Link Expiration Date field did not have a distinct error state

Manage Events and Sessions

The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • When the More Options menu was open, the Aria Role was defined incorrectly

The following keyboard focus issues were fixed:

  • The More Actions menu was not reachable by keyboard

The following error state and required field issues were fixed:

  • The required fields were not marked correctly on the page

ILT Roster

The following keyboard focus issues were fixed:

  • Hidden elements received keyboard focus
  • The More Actions menu was not reachable by keyboard

Global Search

The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • The Skill filter did not convey the sort order of skills to the user

The following keyboard focus issues were fixed:

  • The Skills filter was not accessible for keyboard-only users

The color contrast for the following screen elements was improved:

  • Left "Type" filter borders did not have the appropriate color contrast

The following visual label issues were fixed:

  • Filter labels were not visible and were just placeholder text for the "People" tab

Learner Home

The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • The pagination controls were improperly labeled for the Edit Subjects > Browse page
  • The list of selectable subjects was not announced as a list to the screen reader user for the Edit Subjects > Browse page
  • The Learner Home carousels did not announce the page of the carousel
  • In Learning Search, the pagination controls did not announce that selecting a page number would redirect a user to a new page of results

The color contrast for the following screen elements was improved:

  • The keyboard focus indicator for the Play and Pause buttons of the banner carousel
  • The star ratings, back to top, and fading text for training titles

Learning Search

The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • The pagination controls did not announce that selecting a page number would redirect a user to a new page of results
  • The Reset Filter link did not provide context for what was to be cleared or reset

The color contrast for the following screen elements was improved:

  • The focused option in predictive search, placeholder search text, filtering checkbox, and radio buttons

Learning Search Preferences

The following keyboard focus issues were fixed:

  • The focus indicator for the Save and Cancel buttons needed improvement
  • The Capabilities Preference - Content Skills Tagging and Training Capabilities - Content Skills Tagging links did not receive keyboard focus
  • The labels for each filter option did not allow screen reader users to understand their function

Material Administration

The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • The Search Button did not have an accessible name
  • The labels for sortable columns provided extraneous information
  • The edit button labels needed more descriptive labels for screen readers to provide context to users
  • Empty column headers needed more descriptive labels


The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • Two H1 level options were present on the Performance Overview page
  • Reviews with a Competency Section was not showing browser focus or reading to the screen reader with an appropriate label
  • Buttons on the Peers - Add Users page did not have appropriate labels


The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • Various headings were not specifying roles, such as Playlist Followers
  • The Page Title for the list of playlists did not announce a unique title
  • Items, Followers, and Last Updated did not convey the relationship to screen readers
  • The Edit Description Modal label needed improvement
  • When adding content to a playlist, the hours and minutes fields were not clearly associated for the screen reader
  • Playlist cards were not differentiated from each other, so screen reader users could not differentiate one playlist from another in the list
  • The Decorative Icon in the pagination control was not hidden from the screen reader
  • The Breadcrumbs did not convey an order to screen reader users

The color contrast for the following screen elements was improved:

  • Breadcrumbs above the playlist list
  • Text on the user profile
  • The connector that shows the order of the items inside the playlist
  • The toggle for the public/private setting

The following keyboard focus issues were fixed:

  • Predictive Search Results were not accessible with a keyboard

The following browser zoom issues were fixed:

  • When zoomed at 200%, the profile name was truncated and not visible for all users
  • The Follow Link on playlist cards and the Learn From This Playlist link were truncated for users on smaller devices, such as 320 x 256

Provider Administration

The color contrast for the following screen elements was improved:

  • Table headers​


The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • Start/End Date fields were not grouped to provide screen reader users the same information as visual users
  • The checkboxes in the Search Competencies modal needed accessible labels
  • The competency input field needed an accessible label

The following keyboard focus issues were fixed:

  • Keyboard navigation needed improvement when navigating through the Search Competencies modal

Subject Management​

The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • The Subject Title and Parent Subject fields were not associated with the visual labels
  • A decorative image was not hidden for Screen Reader users
  • The Close Button for localization was not exposed to and not accessible for keyboard and screen reader users
  • The table of subjects needed improvement for screen reader users to convey relationships within the table

The following keyboard focus issues were fixed:

  • The Save and Cancel buttons in the localization modal were not accessible for keyboard-only users
  • Keyboard focus did not return to the triggering element when modals were closed
  • When the localization modal was open, keyboard users were still able to navigate outside of the modal while it was still open

Training Plans

The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • Appropriate Accessible labels were not available for each column sorting button

Training Providers

The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • The headers in the table were not identified as headers for screen reader users

Training Request Approval

The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • The Back Button and area surrounding were announcing unnecessary information to screen readers
  • The Back Button was not clearly labeled


The following screen reader issues were fixed:

  • Unnecessary information was conveyed to a screen reader
  • The list of training within the transcript did not show relationships and a single list


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