Learning Details Page

The Learning Details page features a modern, intuitive design which makes it easy for users to find key information about training items. The Learning Details page is also fully responsive, so users can interact with the Learning Details page on any mobile device.

To access the Learning Details page for a training item, the Learning Details page must firstly be supported and enabled via Learning Details Preferences. Then, users can access the Learning Details page by clicking the title of a training item from any of the following locations:

  • Learner Home
  • Learning Search
  • Global Search
  • Browse for Training


The header section of the Learning Details page displays general information about the training. The following information and metadata is available in the header:

  • Training Type - The type of the training, such as online course, material, curriculum, etc.
  • Title - The title of the training
  • Duration - The duration time of the training
  • Last Update - The date and time at which the training was last modified by an administrator
  • Rating - The overall star rating of the training, along with the total number of reviews which contributed to the overall rating
  • Details - The Details section displays the following information, if available:
    • Description (including support for HTML)
    • Available metadata (see the Details - Metadata section below for more information about the metadata which may display in the Details section
    • Available custom fields
    • Show More - Click this link to expand any training details that are hidden

Details - Metadata

The metadata may display in the expanded Details section of the Learning Details page:

  • Price - The price of the training, if applicable
  • Version - The current version of the training item
  • Available Languages - The languages in which the training is offered
  • Training Equivalencies - All courses that have been configured as equivalent to this training. This field only displays if configured, and is a clickable link which navigates the user to the Learning Details page for that training item.
  • Language Equivalencies - All courses that are equivalent to this training in another language. This field only displays if configured, and is a clickable link which navigates the user to the Learning Details page for that training item.
  • Start Date/End Date - This field is only applicable to material training types. This field only displays if configured.
  • Resources - Any documents that have been attached to the training and are visible to the user. The user must also have permission to view or manage LO attachments. Click the attachment title to open the document.
  • Subjects - Any subjects associated with the training display. If you click a subject, you are redirected to the Learning Search page, where results will be filtered according to the subject you selected. This field only displays if configured. Note: If the Learning Search page is not enabled in the system, the subjects are not clickable on the Learning Details page.
  • Objectives - Any objectives associated with instructor-led training (ILT) events and sessions display on the Learning Details page for events and sessions.
  • Points - Any points associated with the training display. This field only displays if configured and if the user has permission to view points.
  • Training Contact - The name of the training contact, as well as the associated contact information, such as email and phone number. These fields only display if configured.
  • Recommended Training - This section displays all courses that are recommended for users who complete this training item. Administrators are able to specify training items as Recommended via the Course Catalog (only displays if configured).
  • Training Custom Fields - Any custom fields associated with the training. This is a new feature exclusive to the Learning Details page. Note: This applies to the Details section of the primary Learning Details page. Session custom fields are displayed on the Session flyout for Session Details within the Events and Sessions Learning Details page.
  • Version - The current version of the training item
  • Provider - The training provider of the training item
  • Available on Mobile - Indicates whether the training is available for mobile device. This is a new feature exclusive to the Learning Details page.

Action Card

The Action card displays in the upper-right corner of the Learning Details page when viewed on a desktop screen, and on the bottom of the screen as a sticky footer when viewed on a mobile screen. The options available within the card vary depending on the training type and the user's transcript status for the training. The following fields and features appear in the Action Card:

  • Training Type - The type of the training, such as online course, material, curriculum, etc.
  • Title - The title of the training
  • Badge - If a badge has been configured for the training item, it displays in the Action card. Only one badge can be configured per training item. Points are not included in the badge display.
  • Primary Action Button - The primary available action for the training item displays as a button in the Action card. The following actions may be available, depending on the training type and the training status:
    • Edit Training - Administrators have access to the Edit Training option. Clicking the Edit Training option navigates the administrator to the Course Catalog page for the training, where they can make modifications to the training metadata.
    • Save for Later - Click this option to add the training to the Saved for Later carousel on your Learner Home page. The permission to access Learner Home is needed to see this option.
    • Remove from Saved - Click this option to remove the training from the Saved for Later carousel on your Learner Home page. The permission to access Learner Home is needed to see this option.
    • Add to Playlist - Click this option to add the training to one of the existing playlists you have created. Permission to create playlists is required.
    • Create New Playlist - Click this option to begin creating a new playlist with this training as the first training item in the playlist. Permission to create playlists is required.
    • Transcript Actions - Available transcript actions may be available for the training, depending on the training type and the training status. For example, the user may have the ability to request training, launch training, select a session, etc. If the user selects any of the following actions, the user remains on the Learning Details page and receives the corresponding message:
      • Request - "You have successfully requested [training]!"
      • Re-request - "You have successfully requested [training]!"
      • Request Again - "You have successfully requested [training]!"
      • Register - "You have successfully registered for [training]!"
      • Mark Complete - "You have successfully completed [training]!"
      • Launch - No message displays. The training opens in a separate tab, but the user remains on the Learning Details page.

      Note: For information about available actions for training with recurrence: See Learning Details - Training with Recurrence..

    • Request Prerequisites - Click this option to access any prerequisite training items required for the training. The Learning Details page for the training item will open in a separate tab.
    • Specify Training Purpose - If a training item is configured to require a training purpose upon request or assignment, the learner requesting the training or the administrator assigning the training will have the option to specify a training purpose before the training request or assignment is complete. Note: This option leverages Amazon Web Services.
  • Assign - If available, the Assign button displays below the Primary Action button. The Assign button only displays to users who have permission to assign training, and the button is only available if the user is a manager, approver, or cost center approver who can assign training to users. The rest of the process for assigning training is unchanged. See Assign Training.
  • Add to Cart - Users with permission to purchase inventory for other users are able to purchase training licenses for other users. This purchased training can then be assigned to other users at a later time. After clicking Add to Cart, a pop-up appears where you can choose to purchase the training for yourself or for inventory. Select the Others: Pre-Purchase option and specify the number of users you are purchasing. Click Submit. The item is added to the shopping cart with the specified number of users listed in the Quantity column. You can update this amount here if necessary. See Shopping Cart - Overview.
  • Transcript Status - If the training already exists on the user’s transcript, a color-coded transcript status flag displays with instructional text related to that status, which helps inform the user about what the status means and what next steps are required, if any. If the training has a due date, the due date information also displays. When the training is past due, a separate red flag appears to indicate that the training is overdue.


Any prerequisite training items associated with the training display in the Prerequisites section. Each prerequisite training item displays with basic information about the training. Note: When a user has a status of Registered or higher for a training item that contains a prerequisite, that user can take action on the associated prerequisite regardless of the prerequisite's availability settings.

Each training item displays with the following information:

  • Training type - This is the type of training, such as online course, curriculum, event, etc.
  • Training Title - This is the title of the training item
  • Completed Training Status - If the training is in a Completed status (including Completed, Completed Equivalent, and Exempt), the corresponding status tag displays next to the training.

Click the prerequisite to access the Learning Details page for the prerequisite. Note: If there are multiple options for completing a prerequisite, these options are separated into separate sections, labeled Option 1, Option 2, etc.

Note: The Request Exception workflow is NOT currently supported for prerequisites by the Learning Details page.


Any pre-work training items associated with the training display in the Pre-Work section. Each pre-work training item displays with basic information about the training. Note: When a user has a status of Registered or higher for a training item that contains pre-work, that user can take action on the associated pre-work regardless of the pre-work's availability settings.

Each training item displays with the following information:

  • Training type - This is the type of training, such as online course, curriculum, event, etc.
  • Training Title - This is the title of the training item
  • Completed Training Status - If the training is in a Completed status (including Completed, Completed Equivalent, and Exempt), the corresponding status tag displays next to the training.

Click the pre-work to access the Learning Details page for the pre-work. Note: If there are multiple options for completing pre-work, these options are separated into separate sections, labeled Option 1, Option 2, etc.


Any post-work training items associated with the training display in the Post-Work section. Each post-work training item displays with basic information about the training. Note: Learners cannot take action on post-work that is unavailable to them until they have first completed the parent training.

Each training item displays with the following information:

  • Training type - This is the type of training, such as online course, curriculum, event, etc.
  • Training Title - This is the title of the training item
  • Completed Training Status - If the training is in a Completed status (including Completed, Completed Equivalent, and Exempt), the corresponding status tag displays next to the training.

Click the post-work to access the Learning Details page for the post-work. Note: If there are multiple options for completing post-work, these options are separated into separate sections, labeled Option 1, Option 2, etc.

Ratings and Reviews

Learners can view a training item's ratings and reviews in the Ratings and Reviews section of the Learning Details page, provided ratings and reviews functionality has been activated in the portal via Course Ratings Preferences. The following features display in this section:

  • Average Rating - This is the average star rating the training has received from all its reviewers combined
  • Total Reviews - This is the total number of reviews the training has received
  • Review Distribution - This chart displays the percentage of reviewers which gave the training each star rating
  • Leave a Review - To add your own review for the training, click the star rating you wish to give the training. You will be navigated to the Rate This Training page for the training item, where you can provide a review title and write your review.
  • Individual Rating and Reviews - Each rating and review given to the training display on the page in the order in which they were given, with the following information:
    • Reviewer Name - The name of the user who provided the review
    • Profile Photo - The profile photo associated with the system user who provided the review
    • Rating - The star rating the user gave to the training
    • Review Title - The title the user gave their training review
    • Review Body - The full review the user wrote for the training
    • Show More - This link displays if the review is longer than three lines. Click the Show More link to read the full review if the review is more than three lines long
    • Delete - Users can delete reviews they have created by clicking the Delete icon next to their own review.

If no ratings or reviews have been created for the training, the Ratings and Reviews section supports a zero state that prompts the user to "Be the first to leave a rating," and the user can choose a star rating to begin creating a rating and review.

Related Learning

A Related Learning carousel, powered by machine learning, displays at the bottom of the Learning Details page. The Related Learning carousel provides users with quick access to training related to the training item for which they are currently viewing the Learning Details page. Note: The permission to view Learner Home is NOT required to view this carousel.

Each training tile in the carousel displays the following information:

  • Thumbnail Image - The image associated with the training item displays at the top of each tile.
  • Training Type - This field displays the type of the training item, such as online class, curriculum, material, etc.
  • Title - This field displays the title of the training item.
  • Duration - This field displays the duration of the training. Note: if the duration is 0, this field does not display.

Note: The tile is clickable and re-directs the user to the Learning Details page for the training item if the training type supports the Learning Details page and the Learning Details page has been enabled for that training type. If the training type does not have the Learning Details page enabled, the user is directed to the old version of the Details page for the training.

Mobile Responsive

When accessed from a mobile device, the Learning Details page provides access to all the same fields, and the entire page is mobile responsive and formatted to display optimally on any mobile device.