Shopping Cart - Overview

Similar to a grocery store shopping cart, the system shopping cart enables users to select learning objects (LOs) that they intend to purchase. Users can then proceed to the checkout process in order to purchase all of the items in a single transaction.

In a single transaction, users can only purchase items that use the same invoice. If a user adds items to their shopping cart that require two or more different invoices, then the user is prompted to adjust their shopping cart. An asterisk appears next to the LOs that use a custom invoice. Users must then modify their shopping cart so that all items use the same invoice prior to proceeding to the checkout process.

To access the Shopping Cart page, add a training item to your shopping cart.


The following options are available from the Options drop-down list in the upper-right corner of the page:

  • Print - Select this option to print the current page without the page header and footer.
  • View Inventory - Select this option to open the Manage Inventory page. This option is only available to users with permission to manage inventory.

Shopping Cart Table

The Shopping Cart Table displays details of the training items the user has added to their shopping cart.

The following information is displayed for each item in the Shopping Cart Table:

  • Title - This column displays the LO title. If the LO title exceeds two lines, an ellipsis appears at the end of the second line. The icon to the left of the LO title represents the type of LO (e.g., Online Class, Curriculum, Session). Users can click the LO title to view the LO Details Page for the LO.
  • Provider - This column displays the LO provider. If the LO provider exceeds two lines, an ellipsis appears at the end of the second line.
  • Recipient - This column displays the recipient of the LO. If the user has purchased inventory, then this column displays "Inventory." If the LO provider exceeds two lines, an ellipsis appears at the end of the second line.
  • Quantity & Price - This column displays the quantity of the LO that is added to the shopping cart and the price for a single instance of the LO. For example, if five instances of the LO are added to the shopping cart and the LO price is $500.00, then "5 x $500.00" appears in this column.
    • Quantity - The quantity value represents the quantity that was entered by the user when the LO was added to the shopping cart. This value can be edited by entering a new value in the text box. See the Change LO Quantity section below for additional information.
    • Price - The price value represents the single unit price for the LO.
  • Subtotal - This column displays the subtotal for the quantity and price of the LO. For example, if the quantity is five and the price is $500.00, then the subtotal for the LO is $2,500.00. If a coupon code is applied to the LO, the coupon savings amount appears below the discounted price. The coupon is displayed in currency or training units, depending on the coupon configuration.

Cost Center Percentage

If the cost center is configured to pay for a portion of certain learning objects, then the amount and percentage that the cost center pays is displayed above the Subtotal row. When the cost center percentage is greater than zero and coupons are applied to at least one item in the shopping cart, then the coupon code amount may be adjusted according to the cost center percentage that is applied to the purchase.

Change LO Quantity

When purchasing inventory, the quantity value for each LO appears in a text box in the Shopping Cart Table. This value can be edited by the user by entering a new value in the text box. The maximum value that can be entered in the text box is 999. If the user enters "0" in the text box, the price for the item is reduced to zero, but the item is not removed from the shopping cart.

When an LO quantity is changed, the subtotal at the bottom of the Shopping Cart Table is updated.

Remove LO from Shopping Cart

To remove an LO from the shopping cart, click the Remove icon to the right of the LO in the Shopping Cart Table.

When an item is removed from the shopping cart, the subtotal at the bottom of the Shopping Cart Table is updated.

If the user removes all of the items in the Shopping Cart, the Proceed to Checkout button is disabled.

Currency/Training Units Toggle

If Training Units are enabled as a payment type for the user and the LOs in the shopping cart, then shopping cart items can be viewed in either currency amounts or training units. The default display is Currency. When Currency is the only option, the toggle is not available.

The Currency/Training Units toggle appears in the upper-right corner of the Shopping Cart Table. Users can click the appropriate option to toggle between currency amounts and training units. The training unit amount for an LO is configured by the administrator in Course Catalog.

If only one price type has been configured (Currency or Training Units) and you are viewing the type where no price is configured, then “Not Eligible” is displayed because there is no price for that type.


  • LO1 - Currency Price is set to $0 // Training Units are disassociated and set to 100
  • LO2 - Currency Price is set to $200 // Training Units are based upon the configured conversion rate - which in this case is 1 to 1 (i.e. $200 = 200 training units)
  • LO3 - Currency Price is set to $200 // Training Units are not allowed

When a user adds the three LOs above to the shopping cart, what they see depends upon whether they are viewing the Currency or Training Units toggle:

Currency toggle view:

  • LO1 - Not Eligible
  • LO2 - $200
  • LO2 - $200

Training Units toggle view:

  • LO1 - 100
  • LO2 - 200
  • LO2 - Not Eligible

Coupon Codes

Users can apply, remove, and modify coupon codes on the Shopping Cart page. This functionality is only available if coupons are enabled by the administrator in User Payment Preferences. In addition, if training units are the only payments that are enabled, then this functionality is not available. Coupon codes must be configured by the administrator.

Enter a Coupon Code

To apply a coupon to items in the shopping cart, enter the coupon code in the Enter coupon code field. Then, click Apply.

When a coupon is applied, the system validates the coupon. If the coupon is validated, then the coupon is applied to the shopping cart subtotal, and the applied coupon code appears below the Enter coupon code field.

Multiple coupon codes can be applied to the shopping cart. However, administrators can set a maximum number of allowed coupons. If the maximum number of allowed coupons is applied, then the user must remove an applied coupon in order to apply another coupon.

Remove a Coupon

Removing a coupon removes the discount that was previously applied by the coupon.

To remove a coupon that has been applied, click the Remove icon to the right of the applied coupon at the bottom of the shopping cart. The coupon discount is removed and the shopping cart subtotal is updated.

Unavailable Training Items

When a training item in a user's shopping cart is no longer available, the item is removed from the cart. When the item is removed, a message displays for users indicating that the item is no longer available and was removed from the cart.

Others Also Purchased Panel

The Others Also Purchased panel displays up to five other LOs that users have purchased based on the contents of the shopping cart. For example, if users often purchase LO1 and LO2 together, and a user has LO1 in their shopping cart, then this panel displays LO2 as an LO that others have also purchased.

If ratings are enabled, then the ratings display below the LO title.

This panel may be disabled by the administrator via Shopping Cart Preferences. In addition, the administrator can configure how many LOs are displayed, up to five.

Recommended Training Panel

The Recommended Training panel displays up to five LOs that are configured as recommended training by administrators via the Course Catalog.

This panel may be disabled by the administrator via Shopping Cart Preferences. In addition, the administrator can configure how many LOs are displayed, up to five.

Continue Shopping or Proceed to Checkout

After reviewing the contents of the shopping cart, users can continue shopping for training items by clicking the Continue Shopping button. Otherwise, if users are finished shopping, they can begin the checkout process by clicking the Proceed to Checkout button. See Checkout - Step 1 - Payment.

When users click the Continue Shopping button, they are directed back to their search results on the search page from which they selected the training item for purchase, either the Events Calendar, Global Search, or Browse for Training page. This allows users to continue shopping within their search results, as well as search for additional items. Any filters the user applied to the search results remain when the user returns to the search page.

The Continue Shopping button does not display during the checkout process in the following instances:

  • When the search page does not include search results
  • When users access the shopping cart from a page other than a search page, provided that the user has not been to a search page while logged in to the portal