Performance Review - Development Plan - Primary Plan Status

Use the Development Plan section to add training and action steps to the reviewee's development plan on the performance review. Administrators can configure the Development Plan section to build upon the reviewee's existing primary development plan or create a new performance review development plan. If the Development Plan section is set to build upon the reviewee's primary development plan, the section behavior depends on the status of the reviewee's existing primary development plan.

Reviewee Has No Existing Primary Development Plan

If the Development Plan review section is configured to build upon the reviewee's existing primary development plan, but the reviewee does not have an existing primary development plan, then a new performance review development plan is created. The newly created development plan has the following title: {Name of Performance Review} Development Plan (e.g., 2013 Annual Review Development Plan). This title can be edited after the development plan is created.

  • If the reviewee still does not have a primary development plan when the performance review is submitted (i.e., a new primary plan was not created outside the performance review while the review was in progress), then the new performance review development plan is set as the reviewee's primary development plan.
  • If a new development plan is created and selected as the primary development plan while the performance review is in progress, then the performance review development plan is not the primary development plan when the performance review is submitted.

Reviewee Has Existing Primary Development Plan

If the Development Plan review section is configured to build upon the reviewee's existing primary development plan and the reviewee has an existing primary development plan, then the status of the existing primary development plan determines whether new training and action steps can be added to the primary plan or if a new performance review development plan is created.

If the primary development plan is in one of the following statuses, then training and action steps can be added at the completion of the review:

  • In Progress
    • If approval is required, the status changes to Pending Approval when the performance review is submitted.
    • If approval is not required, the status remains In Progress.
  • Pending Approval - The status remains Pending Approval when the performance review is submitted.
  • Denied - The status changes to Pending Approval when the performance review is submitted.
  • Expired
    • If approval is required, the status changes to Pending Approval when the performance review is submitted.
    • If approval is not required, the status changes to In Progress.
  • Completion Approval Denied - The status changes to Pending Approval when the performance review is submitted.
  • Pending Acceptance Approval - The status is changed to Pending Approval when the performance review is submitted.
  • Pending Cancellation Approval - If new training or action steps are added to the development plan in the Development Plan performance review section, the status is changed to In Progress.
  • Pending Completion Approval - If new training or action steps are added to the development plan in the Development Plan performance review section, then the status changes to In Progress.

If the primary development plan is in one of the following statuses, you cannot add training and action steps to the existing primary development plan.

  • Draft
  • Canceled
  • Complete
  • Deleted

A new performance review development plan is created when the performance review is submitted. The newly created development plan has the following title: {Name of Performance Review} Development Plan (e.g., 2013 Annual Review Development Plan). This title can be edited after the development plan is created.