Transcript - Curriculum Subscriptions

When curriculum subscriptions are available, the transcript page is updated to reflect subscription options. Users can renew their curricula from their transcript.

The subscription options set in Curriculum Administration determine the expiration behavior and options available on the transcript:

  • If subscription renewal is not available for a curriculum, when the curriculum expires, there is no renewal option. The curriculum remains Expired. Users must purchase a new instance of the curriculum in order to access the curriculum.
  • If subscription renewal is available for a curriculum, but not automatic:
    • The expiration date displays after the title.
    • Once the curriculum expires, Renew Subscription is an option available in the Options column. Upon renewal, the expiration date is extended by a full subscription period, which is set in the LO Expiration Date. For example, if the LO expiration date is set to 120 days, when the LO is renewed, the expiration date is extended by 120 days.
    • When the user clicks the Renew Subscription link, the LO is added to the shopping cart for the user to purchase.
    • If you want to restart the curriculum and erase your progress, search for the LO using Global Search or Learning Search and purchase a new instance, provided that recurrence is available for the LO.
  • If auto-renewal is set for a curriculum:
    • The expiration date is displayed after the title and "Auto-Renew" is displayed after the expiration date.
    • On the expiration date, the curriculum subscription is automatically renewed and the user is billed with the same payment method that was originally used.
    • Auto-renewal can be turned on or off from the Transcript Details Page, which is reached by clicking the curriculum title.
      • If auto-renew is turned off, "Auto-Renew" is no longer displayed after the expiration date and the Renew Subscription option appears in the Options column.
    • If you want to restart the curriculum and erase your progress, search for the LO using Global Search or Learning Search and purchase a new instance, provided that recurrence is available for the LO.