Training Details - Pending Approval/Completion Approval Panel

For learning objects (LO) that require approval or completion approval, a Pending Approval or Pending Completion Approval panel displays. The panel displays the approver who is required to approve the user's LO, as well as the approver's associated OU.

Panel Approval/Completion Approval Panel

The following information displays:

  • Current Approval Step - "Approval currently pending from [OU Name]: [Name of user required to approve]"
  • Single Approver - "Approval Required by [OU Name]: [Name of user required to approve]"
  • Two Approvers - "Approval Required by [OU Name]: [Name of user required to approve] or [Name of user required to approve]"
  • Three Approvers - "Approval Required by [OU Name]: [Name of user required to approve], [Name of user required to approve], or [Name of user required to approve]"
  • Four or More Approvers - "Approval Required by [OU Name]: [Name of user required to approve], [Name of user required to approve], [Name of user required to approve], etc." Note: In order to ascertain the remaining approvers that are not visible in the row, contact the appropriate training contact for the LO.
  • Multiple OUs in One Approval Step - In this setup, either OU can record an approval decision:
    • "Approval Required by [OU Name]: [Name of user required to approve] OR"
    • "Approval Required by [OU Name]: [Name of user required to approve]"

  • Multiple OUs in One Approval Step - In this setup, both OUs are required to record an approval decision:
    • "Approval Required by [OU Name]: [Name of user required to approve] AND"
    • "Approval Required by [OU Name]: [Name of user required to approve]"

Note: When an approval step has two or more approvers, approval for the step is achieved as soon as one of the approvers approves the step.

Note: The approval process for an LO is configured by the administrator.

Once an approval step is completed, the step is removed from the panel, and the Approval History section displays the approval decision.