Waitlist and Interest Tracking

This page can be used to track interest history and view sessions that you are waitlisted for. To access this page click on the title or icon from the welcome page for the Waitlist & Interest Tracking widget.

Interest Details

  • Title - Click the title to see event details.
  • Type - Displays learning object type.
  • Date Submitted - Displays events from most recent interest to oldest interest. This column can be sorted by clicking on down arrow next to title.
  • Preferred Location - Displays location you had chosen. Can be changed by selecting the Edit icon.
  • # of Matches - Displays the number of approved sessions that have been scheduled since the user indicated interest. This column can be sorted by clicking on down arrow next to title.
  • Comments - displays the comments that you entered when you indicated interest in the event. Can be changed by selecting the Edit icon.
  • Edit - click icon to change details, add comments or edit preferred location
  • Delete - click icon to remove the event. This will also remove reduce the # of matches for other users.

Waitlist Detail

  • Title - click on title to see session details
  • Type - displays learning object type
  • Request Date - displays the date you were put on the waitlist. This column can be sorted by clicking on down arrow next to title.
  • Location - displays location of the session
  • Waitlist Order - displays your position on the waitlist for the session. This column can be sorted by clicking on down arrow next to title.
  • Options - click Withdraw link to remove from waitlist. This will remove this title from this page. If your status is changed from waitlist, it will no longer appear on this page. You can access the training from your transcript if the waitlist has been accepted.

Waitlist Waitlist Waitlist Waitlist Waitlist Waitlist Waitlist Waitlist Waitlist Waitlist Waitlist Waitlist Waitlist Waitlist Waitlist