My Account - Orders - Order Details - Edit Information (Redesigned)

From the My Account - Orders - Order Details page, users can edit the order information. Note: The secondary address fields are only available if enabled by the administrator.

To access My Account:

  • Select the Settings icon in the screen's upper-right corner and select the My Account link.
  • Select the Navigation icon in the screen's upper-right corner and select the My Account link.

Select the Orders tab on the left. Then, select the Transaction ID for a page to view the Order Details page for the order.

To edit the order information, select the Edit option in the Options drop-down next to the Order Information section heading.

Selecting the Edit option enables the following fields:

  • Comments
  • Secondary Address - The secondary address fields may be required, depending on the Billing Information Preferences and User Payment Preferences that are set for the user's OU at the time the fields are edited. Note: The Secondary Address label can be customized in Billing Information Preferences.The Secondary Address label is captured at the time of the transaction. Any modifications that are made to the Secondary Address label after the transaction are not reflected on this page.
    • First Name - The character limit for this field is 30.
    • Last Name - The character limit for this field is 30.
    • Email - The character limit for this field is 50.
    • Country
    • Address Line 1 - The character limit for this field is 60.
    • Address Line 2 - The character limit for this field is 60.
    • City - The character limit for this field is 50.
    • State/Province
    • Zip Code - The character limit for this field is 10.
    • Company Name - The character limit for this field is 100. This field is only available if enabled by the administrator in Billing Information Preferences.
    • Phone Number - The character limit for this field is 30. This field is only available if enabled by the administrator in Billing Information Preferences.

After making the appropriate changes, select Save to save the changes, or select Cancel to discard any unsaved changes.