Job Pool Task Report

The SMP Job Pool report enables administrators to view detailed incumbent, position, and successor information from a SMP Job Pool task. This report only returns data from job pool tasks that are in an In Progress, Completed, or Expired status.

To run the Job Pool Task Report, go to Reports > Standard Reports. Then click the Succession tab and click the Job Pool Task Report link.



Filter Description

This field enables administrators to select a specific job pool task or use the most recent task. This is a required field.

  • Most Recent Task - This option is selected by default. This option provides the most recent position, incumbent, or successor data that is available.
  • Select a Task - To select a specific task, click the Select icon . The task must be in the In Progress, Completed, or Expired status.
User Criteria Select a user or a group of users that may be included in the report. This criterion applies to both incumbents and successors for the job pool task. You may choose one or more individual users, OUs, and groups. Note: The Position OU type is not available for this criterion. If permission for this report is constrained, those constraints apply to user criteria selection when running the report. This field is required unless a specific task is selected in the Task field.

Position Criteria

Filter Description
Positions This field enables administrators to select which positions are included in the report. To select one or more positions, click the Select icon . This field is required unless a specific task is selected in the Task field. This field is disabled if a specific task is selected in the Task field because the positions are defined in the selected task.
Select Position Custom Fields

This field enables administrators to include position custom fields in the report. Click the Expand arrow to view the available custom fields. A maximum of 30 custom fields and metrics can be selected.

  • If a specific task has not been selected in the Task field, then all position custom fields that are available to the user are available in this panel.
  • If a specific task has been selected in the Task field, then all position custom fields that are included in the selected task and available to the user are available in this panel.
Select Position SMP Metrics - Current Ratings This field enables administrators to include position SMP ratings in the report. These position ratings will always come from the most recent SMP task. Click the Expand arrow to view the available ratings. A maximum of 30 custom fields and metrics can be selected. All SMP metric fields that are available to the user are displayed.
Select Position SMP Metrics - SMP Task This field enables administrators to include SMP metrics that are associated with the Position Details section from the selected task and available to the user. Click the Expand arrow to view the available ratings. A maximum of 30 custom fields and metrics can be selected. This field is only available if a specific task is selected in the Task field.

Incumbent Criteria

Filter Description
Additional Incumbent OU From the drop-down, select an additional OU to display in the report. The incumbent's current position is automatically displayed in the report.
Include Incumbent User Name(s) Select this option to include the incumbent user names for each position. As a best practice, this option should be selected for organizations that have multiple successors per position and want to filter reporting results by potential successor.
Select Incumbent User Custom Fields This field enables administrators to include incumbent user custom fields in the report. Click the Expand arrow to view the available custom fields. A maximum of 30 custom fields and metrics can be selected.
  • If a specific task has not been selected in the Task field, then all incumbent user custom fields that are available to the user are available in this panel.
  • If a specific task has been selected in the Task field, then all incumbent user custom fields that are included in the selected task and available to the user are available in this panel.
Select Incumbent SMP Metrics - Current Ratings This field enables administrators to include incumbent SMP ratings in the report. These are the most recent SMP ratings for the incumbent. Click the Expand arrow to view the available ratings. A maximum of 30 custom fields and metrics can be selected. All SMP metric fields that are available to the user are displayed.
Select Incumbent SMP Metrics - SMP Task This field enables administrators to include SMP metrics that are associated with the Incumbent Details section from the selected task and available to the user. Click the Expand arrow to view the available custom fields. A maximum of 30 custom fields and metrics can be selected. This field is only available if a specific task is selected in the Task field.

Successor Criteria

Filter Description
Additional Successor OU From the drop-down, select an additional OU to display for each successor in the report. The successor's current position is automatically displayed in the report.
Select Successor User Custom Fields This field enables administrators to include successor user custom fields in the report. Click the Expand arrow to view the available custom fields. A maximum of 30 custom fields and metrics can be selected.
  • If a specific task has not been selected in the Task field, then all successor user custom fields that are available to the user are available in this panel.
  • If a specific task has been selected in the Task field, then all successor user custom fields that are included in the selected task and available to the user are available in this panel.
Select Successor SMP Metrics - Current Ratings This field enables administrators to include successor SMP ratings in the report. These are the most recent SMP ratings for the successor. Click the Expand arrow to view the available ratings. A maximum of 30 custom fields and metrics can be selected. All SMP metric fields that are available to the user are displayed.
Select Successor SMP Metrics - SMP Task This field enables administrators to include SMP metrics that are associated with the Successor Details section from the selected task and available to the user. This field returns a value only if the successor was rated on the selected metric in the Succession Chart step of the selected job pool task. Any ratings from the Profile or Batch Rating step do not apply because they do not relate to the user as a named successor. Click the Expand arrow to view the available ratings. A maximum of 30 custom fields and metrics can be selected. This field is only available if a specific task is selected in the Task field.

Process Report

Criteria Description
Report Title Enter a title for the report, up to 50 characters. This defaults to "Job Pool Task Report" if no title is entered. The title is displayed on the report and is also displayed in the list of Processed Reports on this page.

This is an asynchronous report, which allows the administrator to define the standard report and generate the report asynchronously. As a result, when administrators process the report, the system generates the report in the background, while the administrator can move on to other areas of the system. When the report is finished processing, the administrator can then view the full report in its entirety.

  • Up to three separate reports can generate asynchronously, allowing greater flexibility for creating and storing different versions of the report.
  • If you process a report or refresh a stored report, the report appears in the table as Queued.
  • The most recently created report displays at the top of the table.
  • Since the user can generate up to three reports, the administrator can define a report title for each of the generated reports.
  • Clicking the View Details icon changes the report settings on the page to match those of the selected previously run report.

When the Process Report link is clicked, the report is run based on the selected criteria. The report output is stored in the Processed Reports table.

The administrator can choose the following actions and options for each report in the Processed Report table:

  • Click the Excel icon to download the report in an Excel file.
  • Click the Refresh icon to refresh the report results.
  • Click the View Details icon to view the filter criteria for the report.
  • Click the Delete icon to delete the report.


In the output, the position data appears on the left. This includes any custom fields applied to the position.

Incumbent data appears to the right of the position data. If included, the Incumbent Full Name(s) column contains a comma separated list of the incumbent user full names for each successor.

Successor data appears to the right of the incumbent data. Successor data does not repeat within the same position.