Performance Review Section Rating Comparison Report

The Performance Review Section Rating Comparison Report displays ratings for a section on a performance review task for a set of users. This report allows administrators to compare ratings for questions in a review across multiple users.

Score Calculation Note: This report calculates a review section score by calculating the average of the question scores within the section. This report does not reflect the question weights included in the review section. As a result, the section rating shown in the report may not match the actual section rating from the task.

To access the Performance Review Section Rating Comparison Report, go to Reports > Standard Reports. Select the Performance tab. Then, select the Performance Review Section Rating Comparison link.


Filter Name Description
User Criteria Limit report output to the users matching the specified user OU criteria. The report only runs within the defined constraints for the user running the report. If no criteria are selected, the report is run for all available users.
Review Task Select a specific Performance Review Task. Once a Performance Review Task is selected, the Review Section field is enabled.
Review Section This field is only available once a review task is selected. Select the sections to include in the report. Only Question List and Competency sections are available. By default, no sections are selected and only the overall Performance Review score appears in the report.
Group By Group the report display by either question or user.
Rating Display Display either the numeric or text version of the scores.
Response Display Choose to display the average rating for the task or display the responses of a particular reviewer.
Question Display Display either the full question or abbreviate the question to 25 characters. The option to display the abbreviated question is only available when grouping by user.
Sort By Sort the results either by User Name, Question Rating, or Section Rating. Question Rating is only available if grouping by question, and Section Rating is only available if grouping by user.
Report Title Enter a title for the report you are generating. If no title is entered, the report title defaults to Performance Review Section Score Comparison.

Process Report

This is an asynchronous report, which allows the administrator to define the standard report and generate the report asynchronously. As a result, when administrators process the report, the system generates the report in the background, while the administrator can move on to other areas of the system. When the report is finished processing, the administrator can then view the full report in its entirety.

  • Up to three separate reports can generate asynchronously, allowing greater flexibility for creating and storing different versions of the report.
  • If you process a report or refresh a stored report, the report appears in the table as Queued.
  • The most recently created report displays at the top of the table.
  • Since the user can generate up to three reports, the administrator can define a report title for each of the generated reports.
  • Clicking the View Details icon changes the report settings on the page to match those of the selected previously run report.


After the report is processed, you can:

  • View the report data by clicking the Excel icon.
  • Update the report data by clicking the Refresh icon.
  • View the report details by clicking the Details icon.
  • Delete the report by clicking the Delete icon.