Reporting 2.0 - Report Types

Report types let you create reports based on the type of report you want to create. This is an intelligent feature that lets you start building reports without picking a category. As you build, the system narrows down the choices of report types available. For most reports, you will not need to choose a report type because the fields you have included in the report only have one associated report type.

Click here to download the list of Reporting 2.0 report types and field descriptions, updated May 17, 2024. This Excel spreadsheet provides descriptions for the report types and fields in Reporting 2.0. This list is updated when there are changes to existing fields or new fields are added. Currently, the list is in English only. Note that it may be necessary to scroll through the sheets on the Excel spreadsheet in order to access the first sheet.

To access Reporting 2.0, go to Reports > Reporting 2.0.

Report Type Visibility Is Permission-Based

Users only see a report type when they have the permission to view at least one of its sections. For example, a user with permissions for Reporting, Transcript, and Training can view fields for Assignment, Certification, and Training, but not fields for Compensation or Performance, etc.

Users can only see field columns based on their permissions.

Selecting Report Type

When more than one report type is available for your report based on the fields you have added, you will be prompted to choose one. For example, if you add fields that apply to more than one report type (e.g., User Full Name and Training Title apply to both Certification and Transcript reports), then you are prompted to choose the report type when you click the Preview tab, the Refresh or the Save button for the first time.

Workflow for Selecting Report Type

  1. Add fields to the report.
  2. Click the Preview tab, or click the Save or the Refresh button.
  3. A report type pop-up opens asking which type of report are you building.
  4. Select a report type from the drop-down. The options display in alphanumeric order.
  5. Click Apply.

Once you click Apply, the report type is applied. The report type will update the list of fields that are available in the Data panel so that the only fields that appear are the fields that are relevant to that report type.

The report type will appear in the Report Properties panel.

Note: Users with "Can View" and "Edit" ability as well as Reporting - Manage permissions can change the report type when accessing the report.

Reset Report

Once you set the report type, you can choose to reset the report. Resetting the report deselects the current report type and re-populates the list of fields to choose from on the left based on fields already selected for use in the report. A new report type can then be selected based on the new field choices that are made.

Click Reset to reset the report. The list of fields in the Data panel will update to display all fields. The fields and filters you have added to the report will not be lost.

Copy Report

When copying a report that has a report type defined, the report type is copied. Users can remove the report type by clicking Reset so that a different report type can be selected.