IP Whitelist

To access the IP Whitelist, go to Admin > Tools > Core Functions > Core Preferences > IP Whitelist.

Authorized Sensitive Information IP Addresses

This functionality is only available to organizations using Cornerstone HR. Also, the availability of this functionality is controlled by a backend setting, which is disabled by default. To enable this functionality, contact Global Customer Support.

This safe list controls which IP addresses are authorized to view or edit Sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (SPII) values on a user's User Record. Administrators must have the appropriate permission to view or manage the Sensitive Information IP Whitelist.

The Authorized Sensitive Information IP Addresses section must be set up before SPII values can be viewed or edited anywhere in the system because only users whose IP addresses are listed in the Authorized Sensitive Information IP Addresses section are able to view or edit SPII values.

Cornerstone strongly suggests that organizations review the active IP addresses in their Sensitive Information IP Whitelist periodically for accuracy.