Training Reasons Preferences - Removals

The Removals Training Reasons Preferences page enables administrators to configure a list of common reasons for removing training. When activated, these reasons appear in the Select Reason drop-down on the Remove Training page. Administrators can also configure removal reasons to require comments. "Other" is available as a removal reason by default and cannot be edited or deleted.

To access the Removals Training Reasons Preferences page, go to Admin > Configuration Tools > Preferences. Click the Training Reasons Preferences link in the Learning Preferences section. Then, click the Removals tab.

Note: "Other" is a required reason and cannot be made inactive. The active status of a reason is configured within Activate Reasons for Training Removal Preferences.

Add a Reason

The maximum number of reasons that can be added per Training Reasons is 20. To add a reason, click the Add button. A blank text field displays at the bottom of the list (character limit of 100). The new field can be cancelled by clicking the trash can icon. If multiple languages are enabled for your portal, the field can be localized by clicking the translate icon.

Comment Required?

In the Comment Required? column, select whether or not a user is required to enter a comment when removing training. "Yes" is selected by default.

Delete a Reason

A reason can be deleted if it has not yet been used in the system for a training action. However, text for existing reasons can always be edited. To delete a reason, click the trash can icon next to the reason.

Save or Cancel

Clicking Save commits the changes. Clicking Cancel returns the user to the Preferences page and does not save changes made to the page.

Modification History

The Modification History section displays a record of each time a reason is added, deleted, or modified. This includes the reason name, reason ID, language, administrator username, and date stamp.