Competency Versioning - Impact across System

Competency versioning impacts the system in the following manners:

Competency Assessments

  • Specific Competency Model Selected
    • The task is locked upon creation.
    • The task uses a specific competency model version forever.
    • If the task is copied, the new task uses the most recent version of the competency model.
  • Competency Model Selected Based Upon Availability
    • The task uses the most recent version of the competency model at the time the task is launched.
    • Once the task is launched, the competency model version is locked at the task user level for all roles within the assessment. The assessee and all assessors receive the same version of the competency model.

ATS Based Competency Assessments

  • Specific Competency Model Selected
    • The competency model version is not locked in the task. The competency model version becomes locked in ATS when the requisition is created. Applicants see the competency model version that existed at the time the requisition was created.
  • Application Workflow Tab
    • The Application Workflow tab displays the competency model version appended to the competency model title: <Task Title> (Competency Model Title> <Version Number>).
  • Ad Hoc Assignment of Assessments
    • Applicants see the most recent version of the competency model in the assessment.

SMP Based Competency Assessments

  • Specific Competency Model Selected
    • The task is locked upon creation.
    • The task uses a specific competency model version forever.
    • If the task is copied, the new task uses the most recent version of the competency model.
  • Competency Model Selected Based Upon Availability
    • The task uses the most recent version of the competency model at the time the task is launched.
    • Once the task is launched, the competency model version is locked at the task user level for all roles within the assessment. The assessee and all assessors receive the same version of the competency model.

Review Based Competency Assessments

  • Specific Competency Model Selected
    • The task is locked upon creation.
    • The task uses a specific competency model version forever.
    • If the task is copied, the new task uses the most recent version of the competency model.
  • Competency Model Selected Based Upon Availability
    • The task uses the most recent version of the competency model at the time the task is launched.
    • Once the task is launched, the competency model version is locked at the task user level for all roles within the assessment. The assessee and all assessors receive the same version of the competency model.

Performance Review - Competency Rating Sections

  • Include competencies from the most recently completed assessment - When this option is selected for the competency review section, the system uses the version of the most recent assessment for the user.
  • Include competencies from competency model by - When this option is selected for the competency review section, the system uses the most recent competency model version.
  • Select competency model - When this option is selected for the competency review section, the specific model version is locked for the review task.

Note: Competency rating sections use the performance review section rating scale, not the competency model rating scale. The ratings that are applied to competencies in the competency rating section are not used in role qualification, nor do they appear in competency related reporting.

Observation Checklists

  • Unlocked - If the observation checklist is configured to be unlocked, then the checklist task always uses the most recent version of the competency model and competencies. As new versions are created for the competency model and underlying competencies, the checklist recognizes the new versions and always uses the most recent versions.
    • An observation checklist is considered to be locked when the Lock Competency option is selected when the checklist is created or edited.
  • Locked - If the observation checklist is configured to be locked, then the checklist task uses the version of the competencies that is contained in the version of the competency model that was selected when the observation checklist was created.
    • An observation checklist is considered to be unlocked when the Lock Competency option is not selected when the checklist is created or edited.

After an observation checklist is created, the administrator cannot modify the competency model and they cannot select a different version of the competency model.

Note: Observation checklists within a curriculum are always locked.


The Resume references a competency model and the corresponding competencies. The competency model that is used for the Resume is unlocked and displays the most recent competency model with the most recent competencies.

The Resume competency ratings display the Max Rating that is available at the time the user was rated. Users can edit competencies the most recent competency model versions. If a user has a competency in their resume from an older competency model version, they must delete the old competency and add the competency from the new competency model. For example:

  • On Monday, User 1 rates himself a 3 on a 3 point rating scale for the Communication competency.
  • On Tuesday, the competency model rating scale is changed to a 10 point rating scale.
  • On Wednesday, User 2 rates himself a 7 on a 10 point rating scale for the Communication competency.
  • User 1's resume displays his Communication rating as 3/3.
  • User 2's resume displays his Communication rating as 7/10.
  • User 1 deletes his Communication skill and re-adds it to his resume. Once it is re-added, User 1 can rate himself again using the 10 point rating scale.

Note: The ratings that are applied on the Resume are not used in the calculation of role qualification.

Talent Search

When determining matching competency attributes for Talent Search, the system uses the user's most recent competency rating from any version of the competency to determine a match. If the user's most recent competency rating from any version matches the prescribed competency attribute criteria, then the user is considered a match for the competency attribute.

Note: When utilizing competency ratings in Career Profile or Talent Search, competency ratings from competency assessment tasks and Competency Assessment performance review sections are available because they both use the rating scale from the competency model. However, competency ratings from Competency Rating performance review sections are not available because they use the performance review section rating scale.

Career Center - Profile Match

When determining whether a user is a profile match, the system compares the most recent version of the competency model and the competency targets within the model against the user's most recent competency ratings, regardless of version.

In scenarios where the user's most recent competency rating uses a different rating scale from the competency model's rating scale, the system normalizes the user's competency to match the competency model's rating scale.

Checklist Search Page

When searching for checklists by competency or competency model on the Checklist page, the search results return checklists that contain any version of the competency or competency model.