Recommended Standard Reports - Learning

Report Name Report Category Why We Recommend It
Curriculum Details Training
  • The Curriculum Details Report allows users to monitor the progress of users through a specified curriculum.
  • Rather than just the overall curriculum status, users are able to differentiate between those who have made little progress and those who are working through the various learning objects in the curriculum by seeing user status on the individual learning objects.
  • This is especially good for compliance related curricula.
Enrollment Summary ILT
  • The Enrollment Summary Report allows users to see a high level view of the various ILT sessions and enrollments for each within a given date criteria. This enables users to effectively analyze the demand for various sessions and can potentially help identify optimal vendors, facilities, and/or instructors for such sessions based on user enrollment.
Enterprise Training Training
  • The Enterprise Training Report provides users with the ability to pull a report on any transcript status, for any learning object, with any date criteria they choose.
  • The flexibility, detailed filter options, and ability to constrain the permission make it one of the more versatile and useful reports for any user needing to gather training transcript status information for a set of employees.
Evaluation Training
  • The Evaluation Report has many filter options which allows users to control what summary information they would like to pull for any evaluation type (level 1, 2 or 3) associated with any particular training item.
  • Its flexibility allows users to easily include or omit specific information in order to narrow or expand the data being pulled in the report.
Interest Tracking ILT
  • The Interest Tracking Report allows users to determine the need for future training based on demand from their user base.
  • By displaying those courses/users who expressed interest in particular courses, it can help prioritize future training needs.
No Show ILT
  • The No Show Report allows users to list registered students who did not attend a scheduled ILT session since it's always important to know who didn't show up for an instructor led session when they were registered for a seat in the class.
  • It also displays any no show costs and make it easy to know from whom penalties are due.
Required/Suggested Training Training
  • The Required/Suggested Report allows users to monitor the statuses of the users who have training listed on their transcripts as well as separate out those who do not have the training on their transcripts.
  • This can be used when training is either required or suggested and is set up in the portal via availability for the learning objects.
Test Question Item Analysis Training
  • The Test Question Item Analysis Report allows users to analyze the responses to specific questions and compare the percentages of users who answered correctly vs. incorrectly.
  • This helps ensure the test questions effectively measure the knowledge they are intended to measure.
Training Progress Pie Chart Track Employees
  • The Training Progress Pie Chart allows users to view the transcript status for a particular learning object for a select group or all users in the organization.
  • More importantly, it allows users to pull in those who do NOT have it on their transcript, pointing out who still needs to request or be assigned a training item.
Training Registration Details Report Training

This report displays user and training details for users registered for training in the system. The report displays user registration information in real-time and includes user standard and custom fields, training fields and session detail information.

Training Status Summary Track Employees
  • The Training Status Summary Report allows managers to view the progress of all of their subordinates' training in one quick, simple report.
  • Filter options also gives them the ability to limit results to assigned training, type of training, and include removed or archived training.