Offline Network Player Installer Instructions

The Offline Network Player enables users to complete training offline using a kiosk or a shared device, eliminating the need to download or sync courses.


Note: In order to support .mov file types, the user must have QuickTime installed on their machine. For other file types (e.g., .mp4, .wmv), support is built into the Offline Network Player.

To download the latest version of the Offline Network Player (ONP), you must use an FTP access tool (e.g., FileZilla). Using an FTP access tool, connect to using Port 22.

Use the following credentials to access the download:

  • Username: offlinenetworkplayer
  • Password: pLay0FFL1ne

Installation Requirements:

  • Operating System:
    • Windows XP
    • Windows 7
    • Windows 8
    • Windows 10
    • Windows Server 2003


To install the Offline Network Player:

  1. Unzip the CSOD Offline Player file. # refers to the version number (e.g., 3_1 refers to version 3.1).
    • The maximum path length for the installation files is 260, so it is recommended that the files are unzipped into a location that has a short path (e.g., C:\Installer\).
  2. Execute the file.
    • If the target machine does not have .NET 4.0 or higher installed, the installer will install it on the machine prior to installing the Offline Network Player.
  3. Choose a destination folder for the Offline Network Player.