Email Export Log

When exporting an email log, the email log contains all emails sent for the related trigger within the past 30 days. Due to auditing functionality, the "Forget Password" email trigger may display emails older than 30 days.

Emails that are sent to users who are included in the Cc field for the email trigger do not appear in the email log. For example, if Manager is selected in the Send To field and Indirect Manager is selected in the Cc field, then the email to the manager will be included in the email log, but the email to the Indirect Manager will not.

To view the email log for an email trigger, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Admin > Tools > Core Functions > Email Management.
  2. Click the Expand icon for an email trigger. This option is only available if the email trigger has at least one existing email configured.
  3. Click the Export to Excel icon.

The email log contains the following information for each entry:

  1. Email Address - The email address to which the email was sent.
  2. Time Sent - The date and time at which the email was sent.
  3. Subject - The subject line of the email.

If the email has not been triggered in the past 30 days, then the spreadsheet will be empty.