Announcement - Create

Note: Your available options are based on your organization's settings and may vary from this graphic.

  1. From the Home page, under Home, click the Announcements link.
  2. Click the Add New Announcement link.
  3. Title - enter an announcement title.
  4. Body - enter the announcement message.
  5. Expiration Date - enter a date or select using the Calendar icon. Announcements will no longer display from the users Inbox once the expiration date has passed.
  6. Add Link - enter in any relevant URL.
  7. Click Next.
  8. Set Availability Selection Criteria:
    1. Click the drop down menu to select the OU type.
    2. Choose a specific OU using the pop up icon.
    3. Choose the Add icon to add a specific OU.
    4. Click Done.
    5. Click the check box to Include Subordinates to include subordinates of the OU selected.
  9. Click Submit.