Compliance - Track Completed Equivalent

Prior to this enhancement, when a user received a Completed Equivalent status, it was not possible to track which equivalent training triggered that Completed Equivalent status on the user’s transcript.

With this enhancement, it is now possible to track which equivalent training item caused a user to receive a Completed Equivalent status. All equivalencies are visible and reportable. This enhancement applies to both Custom Reporting and Reporting 2.0.

In addition to reporting, the following enhancements are also supported:

  • The training that triggered the Completed Equivalent status is also visible when viewing the Transcript History of the Completed Equivalent training inside a user’s transcript.
  • The completion date logic of a training with a Completed Equivalent status has been updated to match the completion date of the training that triggered Completed Equivalent status.
    • Due to the sensitive nature these records, the historical completion dates will not be retroactively updated for the February 2019 release. This means that the logic for Completion Dates of trainings with ‘Completed Equivalent’ status prior to February 8, 2019 will be different than the logic after the release. Please refer to the Considerations section for more details.

If Transcript Lockdown is enabled for a portal, the Completion Date will NOT be updated with this new behavior for past data. However, this updated Completed Equivalent behavior applies to all new completion equivalencies.


See the following table for examples of updated Completed Equivalent behavior:

Training title

Training Version

Transcript Status Completed Equivalent Training Title Completed Equivalent Training Object ID Completed Equivalent Training Type

Microsoft Word 101

1.0 Completed      
Microsoft Word 101 2.0 Completed Equivalent Microsoft Word 101 (This is the training which triggered the Completed Equivalent status) 1.0 Version Equivalent
Microsoft Word 101 (UK) 1.0 Completed Equivalent Microsoft Word 101 (This is the training which triggered the Completed Equivalent status) 1.0 Language Equivalent
Intro to Microsoft Word 1.0 Completed Equivalent Microsoft Word 101 (This is the training which triggered the Completed Equivalent status) 1.0 Training Equivalent


New fields have been added to the Transcript report field section in custom reporting, allowing administrators to report on more data related to Completed Equivalents. The following new fields have been added to custom reporting:

Field Name

Report Section

Field Description Field Type affected reports
Completed Equivalent Training Object ID Transcript

This field displays the Training Object ID of the training that triggered Completed Equivalent status.

Text Certification Report, Compliance Report, Curriculum Transcript Report, Evaluation Report, Assignment Report, Test Report, Transaction Report, User Report
Completed Equivalent Training Title Transcript This field displays the title of the training that triggered Completed Equivalent status. Text Certification Report, Compliance Report, Curriculum Transcript Report, Evaluation Report, Assignment Report, Test Report, Transaction Report, User Report
Completed Equivalent Training Version Transcript This field displays the version number of the training that triggered Completed Equivalent status. Numeric Certification Report, Compliance Report, Curriculum Transcript Report, Evaluation Report, Assignment Report, Test Report, Transaction Report, User Report
Completed Equivalent Training Equivalency Type Transcript This field displays the type of equivalency that exists between the training with the Completed status and the training for which it triggered the Completed Equivalent status.

Possible output values for this field include:

  • Training Equivalency
  • Version Equivalency
  • Language Equivalency

Note: If a portal has had historical data imported, for which the equivalency type is unknown, this field may return an output of "Unknown."

Text Certification Report, Compliance Report, Curriculum Transcript Report, Evaluation Report, Assignment Report, Test Report, Transaction Report, User Report


The following considerations apply to this functionality:

  • The training that triggers the completion equivalency is the earliest instance on a user's transcript if multiple Completed training items are equivalent to the training that is marked as Completed Equivalent.

Completion Date Logic Overview

Following the February 8, 2019 release, the completion date of training with a Completed Equivalent status on a user’s transcript is equal to the completion date of the training that triggered the Completed Equivalent status. If there are multiple equivalent training items on a user’s transcript with a status of Completed, the trigger is the training with the earliest completion date.


In this example report, assume all three of the following training items are bidirectionally equivalent.

Training Title


Completed Equivalent Training Title Completion Date

Operating a Forklift

Completed Equivalent Fun with Forklifts April 6 2016
Forklift Safety Completed   Jan 5 2017
Fun with Forklifts Completed   April 6 2016

Transcript History

The training which triggered a Completed Equivalent status displays in the Transcript History for the equivalent training. The training which triggered the Completed Equivalent status displays in the Transcript History section as: