PayPoint - Enable in Edge

The PayPoint Payment Processor integration can be enabled via the Edge Marketplace.

To access the Edge Marketplace, go to: Admin > Tools > Edge and click the Marketplace link.

PayPoint - Edge Marketplace

To enable the PayPoint Payment Processor:

  1. Search for and select the PayPoint (Fiserv) tile in the Edge Marketplace.
  2. Then, click the Install button for the PayPoint integration.
  3. Review the terms and conditions of using the PayPoint integration and check the acknowledgment box to confirm that you read, understood, and agree to the terms and conditions.
  4. Click the Install button. The integration will be installed.
  5. Enable the PayPoint (Fiserv) tile in Edge in order to activate the payment processor. The Active toggle is switched to the Off position by default.

Account details for your PayPoint account must be added within the Cornerstone system, via the Define Payment Account page. See PayPoint - Define Payment Account.