Transcript and Task API

Use this API to retrieve a user's transcript and task data from Cornerstone Learning.

  • All business rules configured in your Cornerstone portal are observed by this API.
  • You can only retrieve data for active users using this API.
  • You can retrieve data for only one user per request. If you are looking to retrieve transcript data in bulk, consider using the Transcript Search API. See Transcript Search API.
  • Removed and archived transcript records cannot be retrieved using this API.
  • This API does not include custom field data in the response.

The Transcript and Task API includes the following services:

  • Get Inbox Items - This retrieves all items in the user’s inbox as shown on the Welcome page widget.
  • Get Suggested Training - This returns suggested training. This does not return playlists. It does not return requested, registered, or approved training. To retrieve this type of training, use the Get Transcripts service.
  • Get Tasks - This represents all incomplete tasks assigned to the user.
  • Get Approvals - If approvals are used in the system and the user is a manager or approver, this represents the pending approvals for his or her subordinates.
  • Get Assigned Trainings - This service returns all the transcripts assigned to users, along with their statuses and due dates as applicable.
  • Get Sessions - Get the upcoming sessions in a user's transcript.
  • Get Transcripts - This service represents all transcript items currently in the user’s transcript. Each response can return a maximum of 50 transcript records. There is a pageNumber attribute that can be incremented to get the next batch of 50 transcript records.

Legacy Transcript and Task APIs - Optional Constraints

To align with the newer Transcript APIs, the legacy Transcript and Task APIs now support the following Constraints:

  • GetAssignedTrainings - /services/api/TranscriptAndTask/Assigned​​
  • GetSessions - /services/api/TranscriptAndTask/Session
  • GetSuggestedTrainings - /services/api/TranscriptAndTask/SuggestedTraining
  • GetTranscripts - /services/api/TranscriptAndTask/Transcript

This setting is optional and can be controlled via an Additional Claim. For more details, check out the developer documentation​ in the Developer Portal:


For full documentation about the API, please see the Developer Portal: