Adyen Payment Gateway

Cornerstone's Extended Enterprise product was built on the Cybersource payment gateway, requiring organizations to solely use that service to accept payment for training sold via the Learning Management System (LMS). This has remained largely unchanged over time, with the exception of enabling PayPal as an additional payment processor.

The Adyen Payment Gateway payment processor is available for credit and debit card payments.

Starter Guide

Click here for the Adyen Payment Gateway Edge Guide!

Use Case

Symone is a system administrator for an EMEA organization. Her organization has been using the Cybersource payment gateway for several years, but would prefer to use Adyen as their payment vendor.

  1. First, Symone contacts Cornerstone Customer Support to have the Adyen Payment Gateway enabled in the portal, and then she contacts Adyen and creates an Adyen merchant account. During her account setup, she obtains a username, password, and an API key to enable Adyen for extended enterprise in her Stage portal.
  2. She then populates her organization's merchant account information in the Cornerstone portal, allowing her to test the functionality.
  3. Once satisfied the functionality works as expected, she generates this same information for her Production portal and configures the payment account.

After setup, her users can seamlessly make purchases as they did before, but now all transactions are facilitated by Adyen instead of Cybersource.


Administrators can enable the Adyen Payment Processor via the Edge Marketplace.

Please contact Adyen to create Adyen merchant account.

Administrators can test the Adyen Payment Gateway in a test portal if desired, but a separate set of Adyen credentials must be generated through Adyen's interface for use with the test portal.

No other changes, beyond the additional options available on the Define Payment Account page, have been made to Cornerstone's Extended Enterprise functionality as a result of this enhancement. The user's checkout experience will remain the same, except Adyen will be available as a payment method, if enabled.


  • Costs are associated with the creation of an Adyen merchant account, and these fees are charged by Adyen. Cornerstone is not responsible for any costs incurred through Adyen. The enablement of the Adyen Payment Gateway within the Cornerstone system, however, has no associated costs.
  • The Cybersource Payment Gateway and the Adyen Payment Gateway cannot be enabled at the same time in the same portal. Enabling the Adyen Payment Gateway will disable the Cybersource Payment Gateway. The PayPal Payment Gateway, however, CAN be used in conjunction with either the Cybersource or Adyen Payment Gateways.
  • Credit and debit card payments are supported through the Adyen Payment Gateway.


The following existing permission applies to this functionality:

Payment Account - Modify Grants ability to create payment profiles to determine the routing of users' payments. This permission cannot be constrained. This is an administrator permission. eCommerce - Administration