Email Digest - Performance Review Step Assigned Section

This email digest section is intended to alert recipients that they have been assigned one or more performance review steps. This section can be configured to display the details of each new performance review step assignment, including reopened steps. If a user has not been assigned a performance review step since the last digest was delivered, then this section is not included in the email digest for the user.

This section is only available to organizations using performance reviews.

To create an email digest, go ADMIN > TOOLS > CORE FUNCTIONS > EMAIL DIGEST MANAGEMENT, and then click the Create Email Digest button.

Section Send To Options

When configuring the Send To option for a Performance Review Step Assigned section, the following relation options are available:

  • Reviewer - If this option is selected and the reviewer is also the reviewee, then this section is not included in the reviewer's email digest.
  • Reviewee - If this option is selected, then this section is only included in the reviewee's email digest if the reviewee is also the reviewer.
  • Reviewee's Direct Manager
  • Reviewee's Indirect Manager

Section Specific Tags

When configuring the section body for a Performance Review Step Assigned section, the following tags are available:

  • RECIPIENT.FIRST.NAME - This displays the first name of the user who is receiving the email.
  • RECIPIENT.LAST.NAME - This displays the last name of the user who is receiving the email.
  • STEP.ASSIGNED.SUMMARY - This displays a formatted summary of each assigned performance review step. Each summary contains the Review Step Display Title, Review Link, and Review Due Date. The Summary tag can be used in place of a custom list because it provides a summary of each review step. The Summary tag should only be included once within a section, and Summary tags cannot be used inside a custom list. The Summary tags uses the following format:
  • LIST.BEGIN - See the Repeater Tags section below.
  • LIST.END - See the Repeater Tags section below.
  • REVIEW.LINK - This displays a hyperlink that navigates the user to the Overview page of the performance review step.
  • REVIEW.STEP.DUE.DATE - This displays the due date of the performance review step.
  • REVIEW.STEP.TITLE - This displays the title of the performance review step.
  • REVIEW.TASK.TITLE - This displays the title of the performance review task.
  • REVIEWEE.FIRST.NAME - This displays the first name of the user who is being reviewed in the performance review step.
  • REVIEWEE.LAST.NAME - This displays the last name of the user who is being reviewed in the performance review step.
  • REVIEWER.FIRST.NAME - This displays the first name of the user who is required to complete the performance review step.
  • REVIEWER.LAST.NAME - This displays the last name of the user who is required to complete the performance review step.
  • REVIEW.STEP.DISPLAY.TITLE - This displays the title that appears for the step within Action Items.

Repeater Tags

Within a Performance Review Step Assigned section, the STEP.ASSIGNED.SUMMARY tag can be used to display a formatted summary of each assigned performance review step. However, if this tag is not used, administrators can use repeater tags to repeat information for each item in the email digest.

When using repeater tags with the reviewee tags, the entire reviewee list is included in the email digest if there is no REVIEW.LINK tag in the email body. Only one reviewee and the reviewee count are displayed if the REVIEW.LINK tag is included.

Because non-standard sections are designed to display a digest of information in a single section, repeater tags must be placed before and after all of the content that should be repeated for each item in the digest. For a section that displays all of the items assigned to a user, then the repeater tags should be placed before and after the content and tags that describe each individual assigned item, such as title and due date.

The following repeater tags should be placed before and after the content that should be repeated:

  • {LIST.BEGIN} - This tag should be placed at the beginning of the content that should be repeated for each item.
  • {LIST.END} - This tag should be placed at the end of the content that should be repeated for each item.