Load Competency Bank Data - Step 5 - Processing Options

General Criteria

The available options vary depending on the data template that is being loaded. The following General Criteria options may be available when loading data:

Dates are in International (dd/mm/yyyy or dd-mm-yyyy) format

Select this option if the dates within the file are in International format. This allows the system to properly read and interpret the date values when loading them into the system. Many date formats are supported in both American and International versions. Consult the Helpful Hints documents for a full list.

If file is error free, automatically load into system

Select this option to automatically load the data into the system if the data within the uploaded file is error free. The data within the file is still validated during the validation step. But, if there are no formatting or system compatibility errors, you will not have the option to perform a final review before the data is loaded.

After selecting the appropriate options, click Continue to proceed to the Validate step. See Load Competency Bank Data - Step 6 - Validate.